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Chloe's pov 

As we spread apart to start stretching, Zac came and started stretching next to me,

"So are you excited for our duet this week?" He asked

"Mmmm no not really," I replied

"Oh how come?" He continued to question me.

"Um well your girlfriend over there," I motioned to Kalani "will be annoyed, also Maddie will not leave me alone all week because of it an-"I explained

"wait hold up my g-g-girlfriend?" Zac interrupted me.

"Yeah you and Kalani, boyfriend and girlfriend! She's been telling everyone that you guys are dating and when ever we talk she comes up to me and tells me to back off ‘her boy’. Gosh Zac really I have had enough of this just leave me alone" As I started to got up to go stretch by Nia, Zac grabbed my hand and spun me around and whispered in my ear "I'm not dating Kalani and never will she's just a stuck up snobby girl who has caked her face with makeup, oh and I much pefer blondes and your NOT fat!" And with that he let go of my hand have me a wink and went back to stretching. Wait hold up he gave me a wink? But, wait, I'm confused.

Dance carried on as usual that night, but I just couldn't get Zac's wink out of my head.

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