All good things have to come to an end

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Chloe’s Pov

I opened up the front door to find Paige and Brooke standing in front of me!

“C’mon in guys!” I said, “Everyone’s already here there out back by the pool!!”

“WOOOO IT”S TIME TO PARTY!!” Paige screamed as she dumped her bags and ran outside.

“Sorry we are late we had some business that we had to sort out at home,” Brooke chuckled.

“It’s fine! Now that your here we can finally have fun!” I exclaimed.

After all of the commotion that happened today, we decided to have a sleepover at my house just the ALDC elite team (and Brandon because he is Brooke’s boyfriend). The only people that weren’t here were Maddie and Josh, but I don’t think we minded that at all!! Before we organised the sleepover I told everyone what had happened so that they knew that Zac and I were dating.

As I walked outside I spotted Paige and Lucas in a deep conversation, I knew that they would end up finding each other. Kendall and Kalani were sunbathing whilst Nia and Gino were swimming in the pool. Brooke and Brandon were sitting down by the pool with their feet in the water, with Kenzie sitting on Brooke’s lap. They were like a wee happy family oh so cute!! Everything was finally at peace.

Suddenly I feel something or should I say someone push me and the next thing I know I’m soaking wet! Luckily I was already in my bikini! I swim to the surface of the water to find Zac with a huge smirk on his face laughing his head off. “I’m going to get you Zac!!” I yelled as I jumped out of the pool and started chasing after him!!!!


Wow so this is the end of my very first fan fiction! At the start I just wanted to finish this fan fiction as people always write fanfics but don’t finish them, and now look where I am 27 chapters later!! AHHH I can’t believe it!! Thank you so much for all being so encouraging!!! I don't know if I should do a sequel or not but if you have any idea's or questions please direct message me or write on my message board!

Also, I have already started a new fanfic called BRUISES and I will put it on WattPad very soon!! 

I hope you have enjoyed this story! Please leave comments below!! Thank you xoxoxo

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