The Replacements

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Chloe's Pov

thats all the room was filled with, but it the silence was suddenly broken when Mackenzie shouted “Paigey-Mac!!! Brookie Cookie!!!!” What why would she say that? I looked up to see the replacements only to find Paige and Brooke walking through the door! I couldn’t believe this why where they here?  

I lifted my head to see if it was true, and in the door way stood Paige Mackenzie Hyland, and Brooke Marie Hyland whom was now holding Mackenzie. 

“TWINNIE!!!” I screamed as I ran over to Paige and wrapped her in a massive hug!! 

“TWINNIE!!!” she replied as she too wrapped her arms around me, soon both of us had the water works flowing and the whole team had surrounded Brooke and Paige in a massive hug, apart from Maddie who was just standing by her Mum.

“Right now back in line,” Miss Abby instructed, and we did so but this time Paige and Brooke were either side of me and we had our arms linked. 

“Miss Abby, I have question?” Melissa asked.

“Yes what is it?” Miss Abby replied.

“How are Paige and Brooke here I thought they were banned?” Melissa questioned. 

“Well there mother was banned not them, so they are staying at my house with me so they can still come to dance and see there friends.” Miss Abby explained.

“Oh, would Maddie be able to stay at your house too?” Melissa replied.

“No! Not after what she has done.” Miss Abby fired back which finally shut Melissa up. Paige gave me a puzzled look and I mouthed back, “I will explain later.”

“Now that that’s sorted, assignments. Paige and Chloe, you will finally have that duet you have always asked for, and everyone will be in the group dance, and Nia you have a solo!!”  Miss Abby explained. We all cheered Nia finally has a solo and Paige and I finally had our duet. “Right now I want to work with Nia first so everyone can go take a break, catch up, go to class!” Miss Abby said and with that we al scuttled out of the room.

I was just so happy to have my twinnie back!!!

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