Why me?

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Chloe’s Pov

My heart sunk all the way down to my feet, and shattered into a million pieces, when I saw that the girl voice and manly voice, just happened to be Madison Ziegler and Josh Hyland.

And like it couldn’t get any worse than talking about me behind my back, but apparently Maddie’s present just happened to be making out with him. My thoughts were interrupted when Maddie’s eyes met mine, she smirked at me and then depended the kiss. She stood up from where she was and moved closer to Josh, and wrapped her legs around him so that she was straddling his torso. I couldn’t take it any more, I whipped around and ran out of the room as fast as I could, buy now the tears where streaming down my face a dime a dozen.

I couldn’t believe this! Maddie who used to be one of my best friends, ruined my life at dance and now had stolen my childhood crush! I ran as fast as my legs could take me towards the bathroom! Suddenly I felt a thud and realised I had fallen on the ground. I looked up to see who I had bumped into.

“Miss Abby wanted me to come and find you, where is Maddie?” Zac asked. He didn’t show any emotion when he was talking until he looked down at me and saw the tears streaming down my face. 

“I’m sorry Chloe, I didn’t realise you it the ground that hard,” Zac said as he held a hand out for me to hold onto so he could pull me up.

“It’s… It’s not….thhat,” I managed to stutter.

“Then what is it?” he questioned.

“Josh and Maddie,” I replied.

“Oh chlo,” he said.

Honestly I have nothing against Maddie or Josh, I just needed them for this plot. 

Also we are nearly at the end of this book! Thank you so much for all the support that you guys have given me and everything! I love you all xoxo


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