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Chloe’s Pov

“Right now are you ready to go in?” Zac asked me.

I gave him a reassuring nod and slipped my hand into his as he opened the Studio A doors.

“Thank you for finally joining us Miss Lukasiak, Mr Torres! Now where is Miss Ziegler?”  Miss Abby asked sternly, obviously annoyed at us for being late.

“Um follow me,” I said.

“Ok?” Miss Abby replied.

As we walked towards the un-used den, Paige snuck up next to me. 

“You ok?” she questioned. I looked at her strangely, “I could see it in your eyes,” she said. See this is exactly why she is my twinnie, she knows exactly how I feel. 

“I’m much better now!” replied and pointed to mine and Zac’s hands, she squealed in delight. “I will tell you about it later but first we have ti show you something.

We stopped in front of the door to the un-used den, and Zac and I stood to the side so that Miss Abby could walk through first, followed by Melissa, as the Mum’s had now joined us. Miss Abby gave us a weird look, before barging through the door. we waited until we heard a large gasp and then everyone burst through the door to see Maddie and Josh in the same position that I had left them in, except Josh was shirtless and had Maddie’s lipgloss all over his face!

“MADISON ZIEGLER!!!” Miss Abby screamed at the top of her lungs. “First you bully Chloe, and know we come in here to find you making out with a boy intensely may I add, whilst you should be in class!!! YOU ARE EXPELLED FROM THE ALDC AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE IN THIS BUILDING AGAIN!!! Even if it is to pick your sister up, your Mum can come and get her! Now go and pick up your bag and leave the premises immediately!” Maddie sat there shocked whilst Josh was trying to sneak out. “NOW” Miss Abby boomed. Maddie quickly got up and scuttled out of the room, followed by Melissa who was in complete utter disgust about her daughters actions.

“And where do you think you are going Mr Hyland?” Miss Abby questioned.

“Don’t worry Miss Abby, we will deal with him,” Paige said as she walked up to him.

“Slap!” was the next thing we all heard as Paige slapped her brother across the face and then Brooke grabbed him by one ear whilst Paige took the other and Brooke muttered “have fun explaining this too Mum and Dad.”

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