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Maddie’s pov


I sat on the bus waiting for everyone to arrive, we always got here early. Today was competition day and we had a 2 hour trip to the competition centre. I watched as Kendall And Kalani made there way on to the bus.

“Hey girls are you excited for today?” I asked them.

“Of course we are!” they replied sitting behind me so I could save a seat for Gino. Speaking of Gino he had also just entered the bus and plopped down beside me.

“Hey babe, ready for today? You’re solo is going to be amazing!” he said kissing my cheek.

“Thanks babe, I sure am!” I replied. By now nearly everyone was on the bus. Lucas was sitting in front of Gino and I, and Nia Chloe and Kenz were all sprawled out on the other side of the bus. Plus our Mums and Miss Abby were up the front, we were just waiting in Zac to arrive. As he walked on to the bus Lucas shouted, “Oi Zac you sitting next to me?” 

“Na sorry I’m sitting next to Chlo today,” he replied.


Wait hold up Chlo? He has a nick name for her? I know everything that happened the other day Kalani told me how Zac doesn’t like her and stuff. Urgh how can he not like Kalani? She’s pretty, tall, slim and one of my best friend everything Chloe isn’t. So why does he like her. Never mind they can deal with it them selves, I have my perfect boyfriend any way.




Chloe’s pov


When I heard Zac say he was going to sit with me, Maddie’s head whipped in my direction and she gave me a glare. What? I didn’t ask him to come and sit with me, he just did.


“Hey Chlo, I mean Chloe. Can I call you Chloe?” he questioned, his voice a little higher than usual.

“Um yeah I guess so,” I replied.

“Sweet, so are you ready for our duet today?”

“Yeah I am, but it’s gonna be tough going up against Kendall and Kalani, and I have a solo, and so does Maddie and she always wins, but I hope I do well.” I explained.

“Chlo you will be fine, your an amazing dancer and I know you can beat Maddie, you have the passion and drive, and to be honest she doesn't in fact she doesn’t real care about it any more.” Zac clarified.

“Wow, you really think I can beat her?” I asked Zac.

“Yes you're amazing, now get some sleep we have a big day ahead,” 

“Thanks Zac!” 


I laid my head against the window and slowly drifted off to sleep. You know Zac doesn't seem to bad, dance might start to get better now.


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