The Duet

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Chloe’s pov 

I sat in the den and started to stretch waiting for Kendall and Kalani’s duet to finish. Just as I slid into middle splits Zac walked in.

“Hi Chloe,” Zac chirped.

“Oh, hi Zac!” I replied.

“So i just thought I’d let you know that I talked to Kalani Last night night and cleared things up with her.” He explained sliding into splits opposite me. I just nodded as a reply. He carried on. “Like I told her I’m not her boyfriend—“

“Yeah Zac I get it, now hurry up and stretch because Miss Abby will be calling us at anytime to go and learn our duet.”

And just at that moment Kendall and Kalani walked in, they both looked and me and gave me a cold, hard, stare, especially Kalani. “Miss Abby wants you!” they both said in unison. And as I walked past them Kalani whispered, “Freak!” I just ignored it and walked into studio A.

“Right, now Chloe and Zac your duet is going to be about two siblings who are struggling through life. You never really got a long as a brother and sister and when your parents die in a car crash, and you become completely different people, but then you realise that you need each other to get through this obstacle in your lives. Got it?” Miss Abby explained.

“Got it.” we both replied in sync.

“You will start at opposite sides of the stage…….” she babbled on.

~Skip to the end of the duet rehearsal~

“Right this is looking great keep it up you two! You’re dismissed, go get a drink of water and please go and get everyone for the group.”

“Thanks Miss Abby!” Zac replied.

“Yeah thanks Miss Abby,” I added on.

“Oh and also Chloe, I am sorry but I will be looking for replacements for Paige and Brooke.” Miss Abby informed me.

I froze I couldn’t believe she was doing this no one could ever replace my paigey mac and broke cookie.

Hey guys should I keep writing, I don't know If I should no one seems to be reading it.... I have some good parts coming up that will shock you all. Please leave comments xxx

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