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Chloe's pov

As soon as Maddie turned back to Gino I new that everyone one in the den was staring at me waiting for my reaction, my checks started to burn and I felt the waterworks coming on. I quickly stood up dropping my phone at the time, and ran past the den doors and towards the bathrooms, I suddenly felt dizzy and luckily made it in time to the bathroom before vomiting up in one of the toilets.

Why is Maddie so mean?

What did I ever do to her?

Was I really fat?

Is that why no one talks to me apart from Nia?

Because I'm fat?

Zac's pov

I watched as the crystal like tears slowly slid down her beautiful and perfect face as she rushed out of the den.

What had she done to do deserve this? Why was Maddie so mean to her?

There was NO WAY that Chloe was fat! She was beautiful and skinny. She. Was. Perfect.

I wanted to stand up and scream at Maddie for being so mean and rude to Chloe, but I couldn't she was my best friends girlfriend! I couldn't do that to him!

I was so lost in my thoughts that I wasn't even paying attention to what Kalani was saying!

"Zac! Hello! Zac! Earth to Zac! Are you there!"

"Oh yeah hey Kalani, so what were you saying?"

"Well ......"

As Kalani was about to re explain what she had just been talking about Miss Abby popped her head through studio A and said "Pyramid Time!! Wait.... Where's Chloe?"

"Oh I think she's in the bathroom I'll go get her!" Nia offered.

"Ok thanks Nia, now hurry along!" Miss Abby replied.

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