Another Surprise

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Chloe’s Pov


“Well…” I was about to explain when once again I was interrupted when yet I hear another familiar voice.

“What no hug for me Birdy?” the familiar voice says.

I glance up to see non-other than Joshua Dale Hyland, leaning into the door frame with a huge smirk on his face.

“JOSHIE!!!” I scream as I jump up and run into his arms.

Let me tell you about Joshua Dale Hyland. He is the middle child of three. And just happens to be the younger brother of Brooke Hyland and older Brother of Paige Hyland. I have known him since I was 3 years old. Josh, Paige and I are the original trio. And it just so happens to be that he has been my childhood crush for ages!!!

“What are you doing here?” I exclaim.

“Well just because my Mum is banned from here doesn’t mean I am. And I wanted to come see my sister’s, so I thought why not come and see my other favourite girl!!!” he explained.

“Well that was a nice surprise! Now I will introduce you to the team!! There’s everyone form the old team Nia, Kendall, Mackenzie, Maddie is around here somewhere, Brooke and Paige (there your sisters of course you know them)” I told him as Paige and Brooke also came to give their brother a hug. “Oh and then we have Kalani and the boys; Lucas, Gino and Zac!” I finish, as I look at Zac he seems a little upset, oh well I don’t know what that’s about I guess I will find out later. We all sat down in a great big circle catching up with everyone, and it finally felt like we were a team again, we were just missing Maddie.

HI everyone I hoped you like my massive update!!! I think I added like another 4 chapters!!! Woo not long now till the end of the book!! Who's team are you on? #COSH #ZOE 

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