Chapter 22- Confession

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Karthik pov - Today I was so happy to see Arohi.. In front of me.. I really wanted to hug her tight.. Though it was damn difficult for me I tried to control but not once she looked at me...Then nishta messaged me that arohi skipped her meals.. I completed my ongoing work and was adamant on making her eat.. A question which had been disturbing ever since she left was did I hurt her? I wanted to get that out of my head so I directly asked her.. But she was confused.. She said she was upset seeing me and Kirti together...But I felt she was jealous seeing me with another girl.. And mocked it too as nothing remains in my stomach.. But suddenly she started coughing and I was concerned if she was okay.. But for the first time I saw a different glint in her eyes then.. I for the first time felt love in her eyes for happiness knew no bounds.. The whole day I wasn't able to concentrate on my work bcoz of which my working was pending.. But I messaged anisha to take her along as I didn't want her to skip food.. But after my work when I happily rushed to canteen I heard arohi shouting that she never wants to be linked with me.. Not even in fun.. I felt really bad.. What was it that I saw in her eyes then in the afternoon I thought.. I went and sat besides her but she soon ignored me and walked away giving a lament reason that she had work.. I was broken....i knew it wasn't necessary she had the same feelings I had for her.. But a little ray of hope that was built in me in the afternoon too was blown off..

I needed some time alone so I left office soon after work...i was sitting in beach when I got a message from Anisha..

"Are you fine? "

"Yeah.. Just want to be alone for sometime.. " I replied..

"if you don't mind can we have a talk.. It's very urgent please.. " Anisha messaged..

I knew she wouldn't disturb me until it's that urgent so I called her.. But I was shocked to know that Arohi's parents are deciding on getting her married..She said Arohi apologised to her for her rude behaviour and told all this.. I really didn't know what to do? I really wanted to talk to shekhar n open my heart out but I felt it wouldn't be right to disturb him when his mom is unwell and he was on leave today....

I drove in my car not knowing where to go to calm my internal fights.. My brains said Im being dumb going behind a girl who's gonna marry someone else while my heart said I should at least give a last trial.. At least let her know my feelings before accepting defeat.. Then I remembered nanis word she said before leaving..

"Make sure you confess your feelings for her before its too late Karthik.. She's a gem.. Don't let her go.. "

"I will confess my feelings...i don't want to repent later that I could have tried once.. Whatever is her decision I would accept it.. Respect it.. " Karthik said to himself..

"So finally u are going to confess? To get rejected? " asked the Karthik in front of him..

"To accept or reject my proposal is exclusively her decision.. I won't force her.. " Karthik said determined..

Next day

Karthik was determined on confessing his feelings to arohi but Arohi on the other hand was trying to run away from Karthik to hide her feelings..Each time Karthik approached her she excused herself and left... As soon as the office hours were over Karthik stood at the entrance waiting for Arohi....soon she came down with her colleagues and saw Karthik... She didn't want to be with him.. But when he approached her she didn't want to make a scene too..

"Arohi.. I want to talk to you something important...It won't take much time.. Please can we? " he asked her extending his hand..

She ignored his hands and silently walked towards his car.. And Karthik followed.. Soon both drove away.. In the car both were silent and Karthik decided to bury the hatchet..

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