Chapter 6

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I hadn't spoken to Michael in since the awkward moment in my kitchen. So far it had been a week. During art he drew me and I drew him. That was that. I was scared to make the first move. Until he did on the day that marked one week.

"So you know how that stupid dance is Friday?" Michael asked, appearing at my locker. I nodded. Is he going to ask me to go with him? Do I want to go with him? Do we want to go with each other? "Are you going?" He swallowed hard and I could see his Adam's Apple move in his throat.

"I was considering it." I shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

"I mean, I don't know, I thought that if you weren't going to go maybe we could hang out at my house." He studied my face, looking for any signals. "It's just an idea. We can order pizza and watch movies and listen to music. Or play chess, if you're into that stuff."

I giggled at how awkward Michael was being. "I'll hang out with you." I shut my locker door. "Ps, I love cheese pizza." I whispered in his ear before leaving him alone. I didn't look back to see his reaction but I know that he looked back at me.


Considering Luke and I got off to the wrong start, I was very surprised when he asked me to sit with him at lunch.

"Michael made me realize that I wasn't very nice to you in the beginning." Was the first part of his apology. "Later on I realized what a jackass I was for making plans and then cancelling. If you didn't already know that I kinda suck at friendships. That's why Michael, Ashton, and Calum are my only ones so far." His apology wasn't much of how sorry he was, he was just stating facts.

"So far?" I questioned taking a sip of my Dr.Pepper.

"I'm sorry, Gabriella. I really am." Poor Luke's face looked so sad and alone. I couldn't help but feel sad. "Will you give me a second chance? At being friends?"

I nodded. "Of course Luke. And if it helps I'm sorry I was kinda clingy."

"Do you want to go to the dance on Friday? Not as a couple or anything but just friends?" I opened my mouth to decline his offer but Luke wasn't finished. "After we can find Michael and go get pizza or something."

I looked down at my tray of food, then back at Luke. "Speaking of Michael, he invited me over on the day of the dance." I spoke softly.

"He invited you over?" Luke took what I said as a surprise. I nodded. "Michael never invites people over, unless it's a party, which I doubt it will be. But he must really want to be friends with you...or something." Luke drifted off when he said 'or something'.  I went back to eating my lunch, not bothering to question him on what 'or something' meant.

Friday came after a long hard week of school. I was looking forward to the weekend and spending time with Michael. Since I came to this school I never thought I would be spending time with Michael Clifford for no reason.

He drove me to his house after school. His house, which he shared with Luke and his parents, wasn't a mansion and it wasn't a shack. It was a cute little home you would see somewhere along the beach. "My humble abode." As Michael described it. "I don't think Luke will be here long because he's going to the dance. As for the 'rents they get home at seven." Michael plopped down on the couch, inviting me to sit next to him. "That leaves plenty of time for us to eat as much as we want. But we have to clean up after ourselves, Liz gets weird about that stuff. I'm rambling I'm sorry. Ps I ordered the pizza, all cheese."

"Thanks," I smiled, "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" I asked.  It felt weird for me to ask, considering it's not my house, but I wanted to keep the awkwardness between me and Michael to a minimum.

"Sure!" He said excitedly. He bounced off the couch like a spring and filed through a stack of movies. "I have Star Wars, Titanic, Dirty Dancing, Hansel and Gretel, and the first season of Full House." I couldn't ignore the wide variety of movies and shows that were on the shelf. I sat down next to Michael on the floor, looking through more disks. I handed him one I found interesting. "Gabriella, we are not watching The Little Mermaid!" He protested. Long story short is that we watched The Little Mermaid.

"I can't believe you made me watch The Little Mermaid." Michael scoffed, stuffing his mouth with pizza.

"I didn't make you do anything!" I defend. The past couple hours with him didn't suck. I was actually enjoying myself. Halfway through the movie was when Luke left for the dance. I was extremely nervous to be in Michael's house. Alone. With Michael.

"Sure you didn't." Michael said with that 'uh huh' attitude. "You looked at me with those big brown eyes! I was weak."

"Did you just compliment me, Michael Clifford?" I asked sweetly.

"No?" He denied with a mouth full of pizza crust.

"Yes you did." I shot back.

"No I didn't Princess. Don't flatter yourself. I think of you as just any other girl." I knew what Michael said wasn't true. He thought he was good at hiding his feelings but I was better.



I raised an eyebrow. I had to figure out a way for him to tell me how he actually felt. Because I'm pretty sure I feel the same way. Ever since Michael and I declared friendship, since the moment in the kitchen, since the moment in the car, I knew I couldn't be enemies or just friends with Michael. But for now being just friends was something I had to deal with.

"I bet that you can't keep your eyes shut for ten seconds." I drummed my fingers against the table top. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me like I was stupid but he closed his eyes.

By the time he opened them I was eating the last piece of pizza. "You're lucky you're cute."

"You think I'm cute?" I smirked and sat back in my chair.

"Um, yea. I guess." He couldn't stuff his face with pizza so he had to tell me the truth. "Have you looked in the mirror lately? I think you're gorgeous, Gabriella."




I liked writing this chapter so I hope you guys liked it ok bye friends i am gone. hmu on Twitter @/BADLANDED   cuz that'd be cool.

Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now