Chapter 24

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my smut really sucked because it was my first one so I'll make it up to you guys later on I promise

anyways this chapter is going to start off with Michael's POV so aye that's exciting

I have some big things planned for the rest of this story so I hope you like it :))))  comment at the end bc I love feedback especially on this chapter


Michael's POV

The weeks leading up to Christmas passed like passing a car on the interstate. Gabriella and I had spent most of it together, except for one Tuesday when she had to get his wisdom teeth removed. I had gone over to her house and had dinner with her and her parents after the first time. They seemed to like me more after I made myself clear the first time. Gabriella's brother Jason also seemed to grow more accustomed to me as well because every time I come over he wants to play video games with me. I do play for a while until Gabriella gets mad at Jason and takes me upstairs and sometimes we would make out and other times we would just sit in her bed and talk. 

I had just gotten out into my car, leaving the mall, when my phone buzzed. I shut the car door and looked at my phone, it was Luke.

"Hello?" I answered curiously. Luke never really called me unless it was an emergency.

"Michael you need to get home. Like now." I could hear the urgency in his voice.

"Right now?" I double checked.

"Right now." He said and hung up. Confused, I put the key in ignition and pulled out of the parking lot.

On my drive home I pondered what could possibly make Luke call me. Was Liz okay? Was Luke okay? My heart sank when I thought of something bad happening to Gabriella. Trying to get the negative thoughts out of my head, I turned on the radio and Infinity by Against the Current started playing. Realizing that Gabriella had left her mix cd in my car I hummed to the familiar tune.

Ten minutes later I pulled my car into the garage, shut off the ignition and got out. I entered into the house through the garage and walked into the living room, where Luke and Liz we're sitting. They heard the door shut and both looked up at me. Liz slowly rose from her seat on the couch and clasped her hands together, whatever this was it was really serious. "Michael, sweetie, there's something you need to know."

"Is everything okay? Did someone die?" I asked as I walked closer to the two, sitting down next to Luke. Luke was staring off into space as his mother talked.

"Nobody's dead, Michael." She assured me. "It's just that I received a call today from a guy who said he's your father."

I blinked a few times without talking, just looking at Liz and letting the news sink in. "My what?"

"Your father." Luke spoke up. He finally looked at me and shrugged. "He's coming to town for the holidays. He said he wants to meet with you."

"You're kidding me, right?" I let out a small chuckle but the looks Liz and Luke were giving me guaranteed that it was not a thing to laugh about. He gave me up for adoption why would he want anything to do with me ever again? "I don't have a father anymore."

Luke let out a puff of air and leaned back into the couch."Don't talk like that, Dude."

"I can talk about him however I want, Luke." I snapped. 

"He asked me to give you this,"  Liz reached over and handed me a piece of paper with a phone number and address written on it. "It's his number and hotel adress. Just incase you wanted to talk to him before he left. He told me he will be in town until the new year." She had a sympathetic look on her face, like she felt sorry for me. Without any other word I took the paper and went up to my room.

Slamming the door behind me I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. Not bothering to call Gabriella and talk about it, I turned on the shower, quickly stripped off my clothes and got in. The cold water soon turned hot as it ran down back back. I didn't bother to wash myself, I just stood there, thinking. My father hadn't bothered to contact me since he put me up for adoption. Why did he think I wanted to talk now?

I finished my shower, dried off and put on sweatpants, didn't bother putting on a shirt. I felt very tired since Liz told me the news so I got in bed and turned on the tv. Psych was on, I liked Psych. I laughed along with Shawn when there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said weekly.

"Hi, Babe." Gabriella's perky voice filled the room. I saw her and instantly smiled as she did. She was so fucking cute all of the time I didn't understand how she did it. "I woke up a couple hours ago and thought about texting you but I thought coming over would be better." I sat up and rested my head against the headboard as she sauntered over to me. She smirked as she sat on my bed, scooting closer and climbing on top of me. Her legs were on either side of mine. "Plus if I texted you I wouldn't be able to kiss you." Her lips soon met mine and I sat up straighter. Her kiss was always sweet and addicting, like a drug I wanted all of the time. Her hands found their way to the back of my neck and soon traveled down my arms as we continued to kiss. "It's a good thing you already have your shirt off." She smiled into the kiss.

"Damn it, Gabriella." I moaned, leaning my head back and she sucked on my collarbone. "Do you enjoy giving me a hard one? We can't do this." Even though I wasn't entirely happy right now, she made me feel intoxicated.

She stopped and made eye contact with me. "Why not?" Her face showed genuine concern once she saw that I wasn't up for it. "What's wrong, Michael?"

"I don't want you to worry about it." I told her, moving a piece of her hair out from her line of sight. "It's not a big deal."

"It is if you don't want to make out." She said jokingly. I pursed my lips and looked away. "Fine, we don't have to talk or kiss." Gabriella climbed off of me and layed next to me. "What are you watching?" I told her I what I was watching and she watched the tv intently.

After a moment of us just staring at the television I broke the silence. "What do you think our life would be like if I didn't move to America?"

"Well," She started and intertwined our fingers, "I would probably be in California sucking at life. I would probably not even have Luke as a friend and I'd be the weird new girl." I smiled at the thought of a Gabriella being a new girl, open to anything that was thrown her way. That would mean she would be more likely to fall for James's crap, that was something I hated thinking about. Gabriella was like a book, one with a hardcover. She was tough on the outside but she had fragile insides. Nobody else could possibly love her as much as I did, they would rip her pages out and not bother reading them. "You would be in Australia. It would really suck because then I wouldn't have found you. Why did you ask me that?"

"No specific reason. My mind has gotten the better of me lately." I rested my head on top of hers, making her giggle. "I love you so much, Gabriella."

"I love you too, Michael."

I wanted to tell her what Luke and Liz told me. But I couldn't, at least not yet and not today. I had bought her Christmas present and she surprised me and made me feel good. I didn't want to ruin what we had going with something that would have her asking a lot of questions about nothing. I had to do something to show her that I wasn't hiding something. With no other thought about it I rolled on top of her. "I've been thinking lately and I've been kind of soft. I'm not really that tough guy anymore."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that that tough guy is about to rock your world." I smirked before connecting our lips.


sorry for leaving it there but yet I'm not sorry. They're so sexual currently and it'll be put on pause because it's time to get serious with this Michael situation. Also I put in against the current bc they are hella and Michael likes em so it's a win win

I'm gunna start doing a question at the end of each chapter so here goes nothing.

qotc: what's your fave show bc mine is orange is the new black, psych and one tree hill. 

Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now