Chapter 9

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Michael's POV

"I don't know." Of course I knew that I want to kiss Gabriella. I've wanted to kiss her all night, once she showed up at my house for Luke's party. She looked so great in her floral dress that it almost wasn't fair. Even when she stood against the counter at Dairy Queen, looking up at the menu she looked good, after being violated by James.

I was snapped back into reality when Gabriella's lips connected themselves to mine. I've kissed a fair amount of girls but none of them felt the same as when I was kissing Gabriella. Getting into the moment I wrapped my arms around her waist while she put hers around my neck, playing with my hair. It wasn't a long, deep, and heated kiss, it was just simple and passionate.

Gabriella pulled away even though I didn't want her to. "Goodnight Michael." She said quietly and entered her house, leaving me outside. "Goodnight Princess." I smiled.


The next morning I woke up on the floor of my bedroom. The rug smelled like beer and vodka. Waking up on the floor also made me wonder why I'm on the floor in the first place. I sat up on my knees, looking around my room. My eyes stopped when I saw Luke and Amber cuddling in my bed. "Oh my god." I groaned while rubbing my eyes.

I didn't feel drunk. I don't think I got drunk last night. All that happened last night was that I was with Gabriella and I walked her home. Gabriella. That reminded me I need to tell her how our plan worked out for Luke.

Twenty minutes later I found myself knocking on Gabriella's door. I hadn't talked to her since we kissed and I didn't know how she felt about it. "Hey Michael." She greeted nonchalantly. It was twelve in the afternoon and she looked great. Her brown hair was tied into a bun and she wore jeans and a regular t-shirt.

"I just wanted to let you know that I woke up to Luke and Amber in my bed." I smirked. She gave me a look of confusion. "I woke up on the floor." I added. She stepped aside and let me into her house. "You were right, Princess."

"I knew I would be." She joked while pushing little strands of hair out of her eyes. There was a moment of silence while we both stood there. Until we tried to speak at the same time.

"Michael-" She stopped when I interrupted her.

"Gabrie-" I started. "You go first."

She pressed her lips together and looked down at her feet. "I wanted to talk about what happened last night. You know when you dropped me off." The quietness of her voice didn't sound too reassuring. "I made a mistake. I shouldn't have kissed you."

"Yea I was thinking about that last night too. We were just caught up in the moment." What I said wasn't a complete lie. I had thought about it after; but I didn't think it was a mistake.

"It's just that you're my friend and I don't want to mess that up." She stated.

"It's fine." I lied. I liked Gabriella a lot and kissing her last night was great. I didn't want to lose that. "I understand, Princess. I don't want to screw up our relationship either." Pleased with what I said Gabriella smiled. Not a little smirk or half smile but I good one, that showed her beautiful teeth.

Gabriella's POV

I was lying straight to Michael's face. But he seemed to feel the same as the lie I had told him. He didn't think us kissing was a good idea, and that he wanted to stay the typical 'just friends'. The only reason I lied was because I didn't want things to be awkward between us.

I loved the way it felt to kiss Michael and I loved the way I felt afterwards, excited and happy. But now I had dug myself into a hole I wasn't sure I could get out of.

"So," Michael dragged out the 'o', "since Luke is probably going to spend the day with Amber, do you wanna hang out?"

"Sure what did you have in mind?" I rocked back and forth on my heels.

Michael put his finger to his chin and tapped his foot in thought. "I could take you to the record store downtown. Remember that one time we tried to go but we ended up arguing instead?"

"It's a date." I agreed. "Wait here and let me get ready." I rushed up the stairs.

"Are you not already?" Michael called after me. "No! I have to put on makeup!" I yelled from my room.

While I was in my bathroom applying the last bit mascara to my eyelashes, I heard Michael walk into my room. I knew it was him because my parents had taken my brothet bowling. "Nice room." He said with sarcasm in his voice. My room wasn't much to look at, with empty and full boxes everywhere. "Why are you in here? I told you to wait downstairs." I said while exiting the bathroom.

"I wanted to see where the damsel in distress is locked away." He said and ran his fingers over pictures that were sitting on my dresser.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Well that and I got bored waiting down there." He chuckled, making eye contact with me. His green eyes were something I could look at forever.

"Well if you feel the need to wait here could you please," I was interrupted by Michael prying open a box, "not touch anything." I said slapping his hand away.

"Whatever you say, Princess." He put his hands up in defense. "Hey who's this." He now was taking a sudden interest in the photos on my dresser.

"It's me when I was five." I answered and snatched the photo away from him.

"Aw little Gabriella was so cute." He cooed and pinched my cheeks. "With her little chubby cheeks." His voice was the one anyone would do when they were pinching someone's cheeks.

"Why are you doing this to me." I looked up at him.

"Because you were cute. I mean you still are but you know what I saying." He said, lowering his hands from my face. I'm not even sure he knew what he was saying. From time to time I found that Michael let his feelings towards me slip out.

I cleared my throat, trying to avoid any awkward conversation. "Can we go now?" Michael nodded. He was standing incredibly close to me. Close enough to where I could hear his breath and feel it as he looked down at me.

"Do you wanna ride in a horse drawn carriage or is my car okay?" He laughed, making yet another princess joke. I laughed slightly, giving him props for the decent joke.

"Unless you're my Prince Charming and have a horse drawn carriage waiting for me, then your car will have to do." I gave him a quick smile before exiting my room.

"Note to self: find horse drawn carriage." I heard him say to himself after I left the room.

This 'just friends' thing is going to be harder than I had originally planned.





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Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now