Character Ask prt 2

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hi guys! these are your questions answered from the character ask and thank you so much for over 200k on this story! here it goes


q: "what were you trying to achieve by playing hard to get?"

a: I didn't really think that I was. I didn't want to dive into anything so that's what happened

q: "Will you ever introduce Luke to Grayson?"

a: I did and they went on a couple dates but I guess they didn't hit it off as well as she hoped.


q: "have you ever like Gabriella?"

a: god no, even if I had Michael wouldn't let me. From the first second I said anything about her for the very first time he made it clear that he liked her. I tend to take that very seriously


q: "have you found a girl yet?"

a: I have my whole life ahead of me. It'll happen when it happens.


q: "why do you keep bugging Gabriella?"

a: what? a guy can't try to get a girl?

Gwyn aka me-

q: "would you ever make a sequel or a spinoff?"

a: I don't know, probably not. But I have thought about making another Michael fic, after I get more into my others of course.

sorry I if I didn't answer all of your questions! (as time goes on I may add more questions and answers idk) Thank you guys so much for all of the reads and support on this story :) feel free to check out my other ones if you want and tell your friends nd fam about my stories!

Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now