Chapter 31

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this may contain a lot of pov switching because it's the last chapter so I want to get michael and gabriella's pov on everything. have fun reading :)

Michael's POV

Liz wasn't too thrilled when I told her about my suspension and what I did to deserve it. As a punishment she made arrangements for me to come to work with her. Liz was a certified public accountant at some big law firm. She had told me that when I came to work with her, she would have me do desk work. How hard could that be? I did desk work for eight hours a day at school. The only bad part seemed to be that I had to get up earlier than I did for school.

So far my suspension had lasted for two days and I hadn't done much in those two days. They were mostly filled with me working on the song I had for Gabriella, who in which I hadn't seen much in those two days. The only people I had really seen was Luke and Liz, which kind of sucked for me. Liz grounded me and I wasn't allowed to leave the house, and she only allowed Gabriella over a couple times. 

"Hey Liz can I bring Gabriella back here for lunch? There's something really important I want to tell her." 

"Sure as long as you promise to only come home. Also make sure you get her back to school at the right time." Liz smiled as she drove into the parking lot of the law firm. It really sucked not seeing Gabriella for the whole day, but I had to figure out a way to get by.

Gabriella's POV

School had been completely boring the past two day, I couldn't even begin to imagine the next two weeks. Michael was always there to distract me or keep me focused. Without him here it just felt weird, like I shouldn't be in school. Sure Luke has been around but he's just not as fun. Plus I can't make out with Luke. 

"So Michael's picking you up at lunch?" Luke wondered as we walked into homeroom. I smiled and nodded. I missed Michael and when he picked me up we could actually have some alone time together. The last times I had gone over to Michael's house, Liz had made it very clear that we had to be within hearing distance of Luke or her. For us, that meant we really couldn't do anything without someone hearing. She had Michael under prison watch since he came home after getting suspended. 

"I'm excited to see what surprise he has for me." I giggled as I took my seat. Knowing a surprise was coming from Michael, it could be anything. "Do you know what it is?" I asked Luke who nodded his head. For the rest of the time until lunch, I pestered Luke about what it could be.

I said goodbye to Luke at lunch and headed outside for Michael. If he didn't hurry up I would be late getting back to school. I leaned up against the brick building and pulled out my phone, scrolling through Facebook. When I was about to close out of it, Michael's face appeared on my phone. I looked around for him and answered the call.

"Michael? Where are you?" I couldn't see him or his car.

"Shit Gabriella I'm so sorry. I was running late and I won't be able to make it to school and home in time."

"So you're canceling our date?" I laughed a little. Of course something had to come up right when we actually got to be alone. "Michael I was actually looking forward to spending time with you."

"I know," He sounded rushed on the other end. I could hear the worry and rush in his voice. "I'm not saying that we have to cancel, okay? I texted Luke and asked him to drop you off at the park by Liz's office. I love you and I'll see you soon." With those very kind words, he hung up. Rolling my eyes, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and went to find Luke.

"Thank you for driving me, Luke." I looked over at my friend, who looked like he could fall asleep at the wheel. I couldn't imagine how annoying it was to be driving your brothers girlfriend around. "I know you probably thought that driving me around was over."

"It's fine, Gabriella. It could be worse." He mumbled. He pulled up the a red light and brought the car to a stop. "I could hate you, or even hate Michael. But I like you guys so it's fine." Luke hadn't seemed that happy the past couple of weeks. He moped around and mumbled his words. It seemed like he was sad or just didn't care anymore.
"Luke are you okay?" I blurted out. I mentally slapped myself for saying that when I only meant to think it. I bit down on my lip and watched Luke shake his head. "What's wrong?"

"It's not a big deal." He said softly, pressing down on the gas pedal as the light changed to green. "You may actually think it's pretty stupid." I told him that I could never think anything he did was stupid. "I just see you and Michael together and happy, a part of me wishes that I could have something like that. The last person I had real feelings for was Sasha and we both know how that turned out." Luke was such a lost sould when it came to dating and relationships. As long as I had known him he was usually hung up on a girl. But the last couple of weeks he'd just been sad. 

"Luke don't worry there's someone out there just waiting to date you." I reassured him. "And when that day comes I hope I'm the first to know." 

The rest of the ride lasted about five minutes. Luke dropped me off at the north entrance to the park, which lucky for me, was where I found Michael sitting on a bench. "Hi stranger." Michael looked up from the piece of paper he was looking at.

"Hi there, Princess. "He smiled, giving me a quick peck on the lips. "I have something for you." Before I could ask what it was, Michael reached behind him and pulled out his guitar. "I figure that you know what the surprise is now." I couldn't help but smile at the gesture. "Are you ready to be blown away?" I didn't even give him an answer and he started strumming.

I need your love to light up this house
I wanna know what you're all about
I wanna feel you feel you tonight
I wanna tell you that it's alright

I need your love to guide me back home
When I'm with you, I'm never alone
I need to feel you feel you tonight
I need to tell you that it's alright

We'll never be as young as we are now
It's time to leave this old black and white town
Let's seize the day
Let's run away
Don't let the colors fade to grey
We'll never be as young as we are now
As young as we are now

Oh whoa whoa oh, oh oh oh
Oh whoa whoa oh

I see myself here in your eyes
Stay awake 'till the sunrise
I want to hold you hold you all night
I want to tell you that you're all mine

I feel our hands intertwined
Hear our hearts beating in time
I need to hold you hold you all night
I need to tell you that you're all mine

After he finished, Michael rested the guitar up against the bench and smiled at me. He didn't say anything for a moment, he just looked at me. "Gabriella do you ever think about the future?" That was a great question. This was my last year of high school and I was pretty much forced to think about my future. "When I say the future I mean our future. Where do you picture us in five years?" Now that was something I never thought about. I liked to live in the moment with Michael and not rush things. "Not that I do. I was just wondering if you did."

"I really haven't. But now that you bring it up I probably will." I told him, scratching the back of my neck. "What do you think?"

"I think in five years we may still be together. If we are we'll probably have a kid. A girl because I've always wanted one of those." I laughed at how cute Michael looked while he talked about a daughter. 

I chewed on my lip, thinking about what life could be like in five years. "I think if we have a boy he'll be a heartbreaker." Michael scrunched up his nose in confusion. "But not too bad of one. Just enough to keep the ladies wanting more." 

Out of nowhere Michael brought me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and intertwined my fingers with his. "I love you, Princess."

"I love you more, Michael."

"Not even possible." 



it's over byE MY JOB HERE IS DONE


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