Chapter 23

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Later the next day Michael had called me because he was freaking out over dinner. He started off with worrying about them not liking him, then he moved on to conversation topics, now we were on wardrobe. "Just wear something casual. It's not that big of a deal, Michael." I rested my phone in between my shoulder and my cheek, digging through my own closet. I heard him mumble something as he dug through his drawer.

"I'll figure something out." He sighed, almost as if the choice has defeated him. "I'll see you in a couple hours." I looked at my phone about to hang up when I heard his voice again. "Oh and Gabriella?" "Yes?" I furrowed my eyebrows together. "I love you, Princess." I smiled and bit my lip. "I love you too." I heard the call end after I said it.

I sighed and collapsed back on my bed.I hadn't given tonight much thought, I figured my parents would love Michael almost as much as I did. But what if they didn't? What if my mother would hate him because she thinks that he's not a good influence on me? What if my father hates him? I quickly sat up and occupied myself by putting things back in their spots. I hadn't worried about Michael meeting my parents until now. I didn't want to worry about it.


Two hours later I was sitting on the couch watching Jason play some video game. My parents were setting up the table when the doorbell went off. "Michael's here!" Jason and I both jumped up off the couch, I pushed him down on my way to the door. I just wanted to get to be with him before my family took him over. I opened the door to find him playing with the sleeves on his sweater. He looked up and smiled. "Hi Princess. Are you going to stop staring at me and let me in?" I hesitated for a moment, I didn't realize I was staring. I stepped aside and let him in. Michael walked past me and it smelled like he used the good soap, not the odorless kind he normally uses. 

"Just be yourself and they'll love you. I promise." I reassured him before my brother came running up to him. Jason wrapped his arms around Michael's waist, hugging him. Michael looked at me and smiled, then looked down at my brother and hugged him back. 

"Come on I just got a new video game. I'll let you play with me." Jason took Michael by the arm and lightly tugged him to the living room. 

Michael chuckled and took my hand in his. "I'll play if you let your sister watch." Jason looked at me and rolled his eyes, he wanted Michael to himself and I could understand that. 

"Why don't you go be with Jason and I'll tell my parents you're here." I told Michael and left him to Jason. He let go of my hand and walked with my brother to the living room where he had set up one of his video games. 

I entered the kitchen to find my mother putting the last pork chop on a plate, while my father leaned up against the counter, sipping on water.  "Michael's here." I announced with a smile. My father set down his glass and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, I followed quickly after him. My father was never super intimidating. He liked to think he was but to the rest of the family he was just an average thirty five year old man who liked to golf on the weekends. As soon was we entered the room Michael stood up to greet my father. My father was around six foot and one inch, while Michael was a couple inches taller. 

"You must be Michael." My father said sternly. Michael nodded silently, rubbing his hands together nervously. "What's the matter son? Do you not talk?" 

"No, sir, I talk. Um," He stuttered nervously, "I was just thinking about how beautiful your daughter looks." Nice save. My father crossed his arms over his chest, something he did when he wasn't impressed. Michael stood up straight and looked back at me. If he thought I could help he was wrong. It was all him and my dad and there was nothing I could do. 

"You're the boy who's taken my daughter out of school more than once?" My dad asked with a raised eyebrow. I heard Jason let out an 'oooh'. He was loving every second of this.

Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now