Chapter 14

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It was the Saturday of fall break and so far I had spent everyday with Michael. I loved being with him, even if we were doing nothing we were still having fun. "Gabriella," Michael said quietly, interrupting the silence, "talk to me."

"What do you want me to say?" I questioned. I looked down at our hands which were resting on the comforter of his bed. If I moved my just a little it would be on top of his. Michael was so nice to me that I couldn't help but get butterflies every time I was around him.

"I don't know just start talking. Ask me anything." He said looking straight into my eyes.

"Er," I stammered, "Why do you live with Luke? And why do you live in America and not Australia?" I sat up straight, waiting to hear a reply.

"I don't want to talk about that, Princess." He replied quickly. His uneasiness made me want to question him even more. I poked his cheek with my finger. "You can tell me anything, Michael." I moved closer to him. "When I was around nine my mom died," his voice grew softer, "my dad realized that he couldn't take care of me on his own, so he put me up for adoption. Luke's family adopted me and that's why I'm with him."

Once he finished it felt awkward that I had pestered him about it. "I'm sorry I asked. You didn't have to tell me."

"It's fine you didn't know." He pursed his pink lips and focused on the TV. "Do you think that Plankton always thinks about the Krabby Patty, or do you think he takes a break?" He asked, putting his arm around my shoulder. "Because I think the dude's gotta relax every now and again." I laughed lightly and sat up. "We need to do something fun."

"Oh like what?" I raised an eyebrow. Michael was always looking for something to do, poor kid couldn't sit still.

"We could go bug Luke." He suggested. "Sasha's over so it'll be extra fun." I shrugged and let him lead me to Luke's room. Michael didn't even bother to knock, which was a huge mistake.

As soon as he opened the door we were greated by a not so pleasant surprise. Luke was on top of Sasha, kissing her neck. As soon as they saw us Sasha screamed like a banshee, pushing Luke off of her half naked body. "No!" Michael yelled and covered his eyes. I took his hand and used it to cover mine. "Gabriella shut the door!" He said and pulled me back into the hallway. "I think I've gone blind." He said rubbing his eyes furiously.

"That'll be hard to forget." I said starring off into the distance. It was definitely not a memory that I wanted to keep. Luke kissing Sasha already grossed me out, but seeing both of them shirtless and make out on his bed made me want to vomit.

"We need to get out of here. It's full of bad images."


Twenty minutes later Michael had driven me to school. "What the shit is this?" I questioned. We weren't scheduled to go back until Monday. I also wasn't planning on spending more time here than I needed to.

"I know being outside of the castle is a foreign concept to you," Michael parked the car, "but you have to trust me, Princess." The majority of me loved finding out what he was going to come up with next. But another part hated his stupid nickname for me. I shot him a glare and he returned it with a smirk.

"What are you doing? The school's locked during break." I reminded him. Michael ignored what I said and kept walking towards the back of the school. Michael ignored me and opened the door. He led me down the halls and to the music room. To my surprise we weren't the only ones at school.

"Michael come join us!" Calum called out to his friend. I looked at the scene in front of me, Calum and Ashton were fighting each other with drumsticks, pretending they were lightsabers. "You can be on Ashton's team because he's losing."

Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now