Chapter 12

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I had managed to make it through half of the week without any headway with Michael. I tried being hot countless times but it never seemed to get his attention. By Thursday I was pissed off at him because he ignored my attempts. 

"Hey, Princess." He sautered over to me during lunch. He liked to sit with Calum, Ashton, and Luke during lunch. While I preferred to sit outside by myself. I nodded, noticing his presence. He slid on to the bench and stopped inches away from me. "I just came out here to see if you wanted to go to Kylie Jennings party on Saturday." It may be just me but this school seemed to have a lot of parties.

"With you?" I questioned. I wouldn't have a problem going with Michael, but a part of me wondered if Luke somehow put him up to this.

"We could go as friends." He suggested. "Or I could come to your house and take you there. And if you really want to avoid me I'll totally leave you alone for the rest of the night."

"That's not what I want, Michael." I rested my hand on top of his, which was placed on the table. Instantally it sent shivers up my spine. "How about we go as friends, and you can pick me up and take me there. And to top it all off, you don't have to part ways with me." Michael gave me a smile, flashing his white teeth. "Sounds great." He said, his accent sounding slightly thicker than usual.

Michael decided to make himself comfortable. "What are you doing?" I laughed when he took half of my sandwich.

"Eating lunch." He said with a mouth full of ham on rye. "Got a problem with that, Princess?" He smacked while he ate, knowing it would annoy me. Michael got closer to my face. "I could do this all day." It's almost as if he refused to swallow.

"Michael stop!" I pushed his face away with my hand. "That's really annoying and really gross." I added after he finally swallowed. "I hope you reimburse me for that half sandwich."

"I'll do anything to keep her royal highness happy." He took a half bow, making sure he didn't hit the table. "What about Luke, Calum, and Ashton? Remember them?" I giggled as I watched him poke holes in a napkin that was in front of him. "They'll be fine. I like hanging out with you more anyways."


Michael's POV

Gabriella had been acting very friendly towards me all week. Tuesday she flirted with me almost every time we talked. Wednesday she would brush up against me in the halls. Thursday she put her hand on top of mine during lunch. Friday she wore he hair in curls, which she knew I liked a lot. She was torturing me.

I was looking forward to the party tonight, even though we were going as friends. I was just excited to spend time with her. She was funny, cute, kind of annoying but nothing I couldn't stand.

"Are you ready for your big date, stud?" Luke grabbed my shoulders from behind.

"Dude this is a party, not prom. Chill." I remarked and removed his hands from my shoulder, facing him. Luke always liked to take things out of proportion. "And I told you this ten times before, me and Gabriella are going as just friends. I'm cool with that if she is." I shrugged.

"Shut up you know she's not." Luke snapped. "I didn't tell you this but on Sunday when told you that I went for a walk, I went to her house." It didn't come as a shock to me that Luke had lied about that.

"What happened?" I folded my arms across my chest, waiting for him to go in depth about their conversation.

"First we talked about Sasha," I let out a groan. Sasha was a first class bitch who liked to toy with Luke. Poor Luke wasn't aware that she also had a thing for James. But I wasn't going to be the one to tell him that. "Then she started to talk about you. She really likes you Michael but you're such a wimp that you are afraid to do anything. She's been sending you signals all week and you've done nothing. I don't get it." Luke finished by throwing his hands in the air out of frustration.

Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now