Chapter 25

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I still hadn't told Gabriella about my father wanting to see me. It had been four days since I found out and only a couple more until Christmas. I knew I had to tell her sometime soon, because I couldn't do it alone. I wasn't sure what I was more afraid of. Her getting mad at me because I kept it from her for a while, or not understanding my side of the story. As soon as I woke up I drove over to her house.

Just my luck, her mother answered the door. "Hey, Mrs. Erickson is Gabriella here?"

"She's upstairs and still sleeping." She said, gesturing me in. "You're welcome to try to wake her up. She sleeps like a rock."

I smirked at my new task. "Thank you." I told her as I made my way up the stairs. Gabriella's door was closed so I opened it as slowly as I had to without making a sound. I peeked into the room to find my girlfriend curled up into a ball. She looked so cute when she slept, too bad I was going to wake her up in a bad way.

I climbed on to the bed as slowly as I could. She had brought most of the covers up to her and was cuddling them like a child would do with a stuffed animal. Her brown hair was tucked behind her ear and she slowly breathed in and out. She didn't have any make up on, I've never seen her without it, but she looked gorgeous. She was such a heavy sleeper so I wasn't surprised when she didn't wake up. I started to stand up over her, trying not to fall right on top of her. I laughed as I jumped up and down on her bed, shaking her awake.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. It's ten o' clock in the damn morning." She cursed at me while rubbing her eyes. "Why did you have to wake me up like that?"

"Because I love you." I got down and sat down next to her. "I also have something to tell you."

"It couldn't have waited until twelve?" I shook my head in response. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Tell me."

"Don't get mad at me because I've known something for a while. I haven't told you about it because I was trying to figure it out. I got some news that kind of freaked me out."

"What was it?" Gabriella took my hands in hers. "I'm not mad at you, by the way. Just tell me."

I drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "My dad's here, Gabriella." Her eyes widened and she untangled our hands to cover her mouth in shock. "I found out the other day, right before you came over."

"Does he want to see you? Do you want to see him?" She was wide awake now. I just shrugged, unsure of what to say. "Michael do you want to know what I think?" I nodded and let her talk. "From what you've told me your dad didn't really want you, so you shouldn't see him."

"But Gabriella I haven't seen him in who knows how many years. I want some answers. Even if it means actually seeing him and listening to him apologize."

"I won't force you to do anything, because it's not really my place. If you want to go I want you to go." She said happily, kissing me on the cheek. "I love you and I want you to be happy with your decisions."

"Liz gave me his number and the place he's staying. I'm probably going to go over there on Wednesday." It was Sunday. "Would you come with me? I don't think I want to go alone, you know?" Gabriella nodded, understanding where I was coming from.

"Maybe you should call him." She repositioned herself, coming closer to me. "To make sure he'll actually be there when you go." Knowing she was probably right, I took my phone out of my pocket and the piece of paper I kept with it.

"I've carried his number around with my phone. Just in case I decided to cave in and call him." I unlocked at my phone and down at the sheet of paper, dialing his number. Gabriella gave me a small smile when I brought the phone up to my ear. It rang four times before he picked up.

Found // AU Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now