Chapter one - A new beginning

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Chapter one: "A new beginning"

BPOV (Bella's point of view)

I can't believe I was that stupid. I believed his lies and fell for what seemed to be true love. Well I was wrong. He obviously doesn't love me the way I love him. The way I thought I loved him. Now looking back I fell in love with what he made out to be. Not who he really was. The way he left me laying there on the cold, hard forest floor, made my decision all that easier. It took three weeks after that horrible night to get out of bed, another two weeks to start responding to people, another month to finally start realising the truth; that I was wrong to love him and overall it wasn't really love, just lies. And yet, I still find it impossible to stop replaying the short life we had shared together in my mind.  

Through all this there was one thing he told me that never left my mind; The Volturi. The way he told me that they were the Vampires his kind went to when they wanted to die, together with the way I was feeling then, it sounded like a perfect plan. I felt ridiculous, ashamed, and I had nothing else to live for. I didn't care if Edw... He, said it was where 'his' kind went. It seemed like the only way I could get what I wanted, a one way ticket from this life. I knew all too well I didn't have the will power to do it myself, and knowing no one in forks would help me out; the Volturi was my only choice. 

Within an hour of my decision I was at the bank. With a withdrawal from my account, I had all the money I needed to get me from the small, lonely town of forks to Italy. I then cancelled my account before quickly returning home for the last time and writing my dad a goodbye letter. It was short and a little harsh, but it said what I needed it to say without telling him where I was going. After doing that, I packed a small suitcase for clothes and left. Not even bothering to even lock the door. 

And so now here I sit, on the aeroplane waiting to touch down. It was my third aeroplane in the last three days I had to go on to get to Italy, and the short 25 minutes I had left seemed to be taking forever. I had used almost all my money I had taken from my bank account, the money that was one day meant to be going towards university, and I was lucky to have just enough of what I thought would get me a taxi towards Volterra.  

Finally, after what seemed like a life time, the flight attendant called over the loud speaker announcing the descent of the plane. As the plane went down I looked out the window, and the view was amazing. It took my breath away, and I had to admit it was beautiful. The hills and the trees that covered them created the perfect atmosphere. And with the night sun setting behind them, I thought it created the perfect surrounding for my final hours, and that made me smile for the first time in what seemed like month. This was also the first time I had gone anywhere outside the borders of America, and with a quick thought I realised it would also be my last. As I stood off the plane the flight attended smiled at me and said "have a nice day", I gave her a quick smile back, before going up the ramp that lead to my bags.  

I was in luck. My bag came out just as I walked from the plane into the terminal. Without a look back, I walked out the airport doors and called a taxi. I was surprised at how fast a taxi showed up, but as I jumped in and told the man the address, it was all forgotten. As I was sitting in the back seat, sleep finally caught up with me. I hadn't slept in what must have been three days and I found myself falling asleep on the way to Volterra.  

I was woken as the taxi driver shook me, saying something to me.  

"Yeah?" I answered finally realising where I was.  

"Sorry miss for waking you, but we are here" I was shocked the man spoke English but as I looked out the window I could see we were defiantly in the city. I handed him the rest of the money I had, not checking if it was enough, and got out pulling my bags behind me. 

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