Chapter seven - A day full of events

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Chapter seven - "A day full of events"


"Alec face it, we're lost" I said looking down at the road map again. 

"Babe we are not lost! I know exactly where we are" Alec said smugly. 

"Oh yeah? Okay then mr.know-it-all, if you know where we are then where is this Logan guy?" I asked turning to look at him. Logan was a vampire who had the ability to know peoples weaknesses. He wandered around by himself and Aro had sent myself and Alec to find him so I could absorb his power.

I had gotten used to it now. Every so often Aro would sent us both someplace looking for some vampire with some gift Aro wanted me to obtain. This would be the final one before I became queen, so Aro also gave Alec and I some time before hand to spend time on our own. So for the last three weeks we have been spending every second either in bed together or walking the sands of the beaches in southern Australia. Aro had sent me a message giving Alec and I Logan's current position so here we were out in the Australian bush trying to hunt him down. 

"We are currently where we are supposed to be" Alec said. 

That made me laugh, "oh really? And where is that again?" I asked him. 

"Right where Logan was last spotted" he turned away from looking out the front window of the car to look at me mockingly. I gave him a shocked look before looking out the windows at our surroundings. Aro had said in the message Logan was last spotted near the small town with a huge sculptured koala marking the entrance. Sure enough Alec had parked right in front of the 14 metre high landmark. Sometimes I hated how he always was right. Moments ago we had been driving in think bush and now here we were. You had to hate that. 

"Okay smart ass, keep driving. We haven't found him yet!" I avoided eye contact with Alec so instead I just pointed out the window motioning him to start driving. Thankfully he did. We were lucky to have a very over cast day, so with no sun out and heaps of clouds Alec and I could walk and be in the sun without worry. We continued to drive through the town looking for any vampires but we couldn't spot any. We soon found or self's driving out of town back into thicker bush. 

"So where is he Alec?" I said playfully. 

"He is somewhere okay! He is probably sucking some mans throat right now behind some tree" I shot him a look but all he did was laugh.  

"Relax Bella I'm joking, he is most likely hiding or has already left to-" Alex was cut off with a huge bang that came from the bonnet of our car. 

There stood crouched on the front of the car was a pail man with blood red eyes and a wicked smile on his face. He was a vampire. I didn't waste any time and got out of the car turning to who must have been Logan. "Hey there! You must be Logan. I'm Bella, and this is my boyfriend Alec. We are from the volturi and have come to talk" I extended my hand and Logan jumped of the car and took it shaking it in a friendly hand shake. 

"nice to meet you lass" he looked over to Alec, who was just getting out of the car, and nodded, "So what does the volturi want with me?" I looked over to Alec who returned my glance with a nod. It was common procedure. He came up with some kind of small talk while I did my thing. Aro didn't want anyone knowing about my power, well not until after I was named queen. 

"Logan the volturi just wanted us to check up on you and to see if there was any news we needed to know?" Alec said, yet I could hear the humour in his voice. 

"What kind of news?" Logan said crossing his arms; I knew like all other vampires he didn't trust us. And I didn't blame him, because right then I was focusing on his power ready to absorb it. 

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