Chapter twenty - Back to the beginning

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chapter 20: Back to the beginning  


"Bella you don't have to do this" Alice pleaded, holding my hand and squeezing it tight, as Alec walked ahead and out into the hallway, heading back to the ceremony.

"Yes I do. You of all people should understand. Now excuse me" I dropped her hand and went to walk on.

"Bella wait" I turned to face Aro. Marcus and Caius were by his side.

"What is it Aro? I have a wedding to get to."

"Bella, do you want to marry Alec? We will back any decision you make." I looked from one to the other, I knew Aro, and I couldn't disappoint him.

"Yes I do" I answered him. My face showed no hint of happiness and I knew they could see that I was lying. Yet, as suspected, they agreed with me. "Now shall we go?" I asked the remaining vampires in the room. I walked out the doors, the Volturi and Cullens right behind me.

As I made my way round the corner I found Alec standing in the hall way, talking to some blonde woman. Her hand was on his upper arm and they stood rather closely. I only caught the last of their conversation before they noticed us.

"Come on Alec, I know you don't want to do this" the blonde woman said, stroking his arm.

"I have to Dasha. Think of the possibilities."

"Alec you said we could be togeth-" the blonde woman looked up over his shoulder and spotted our arrival. She took an automatic step back and bowed as I neared. "Afternoon Bella."

"Afternoon. uhh?" I looked her up and down trying to remember her name. What had Alec said? Dana? Dash?

"Dasha, your highness" she said rising from her curtsy. She had long blonde hair, tumbling down her back. She was quite skinny and had a strong English accent. She wore a short pink dress, just long enough for a wedding and not a nightclub, and wore pink stilettos. Her heavy makeup made her appear like a Barbie doll. Dasha seemed to scream bimbo.

"Pleasure to meet you." I turned to Alec, "What's going on?"

He looked up to me, "Just on my way to alter now"

"Alec who is she? And what don't you want to do?" I asked him, more curious than anything. But something just didn't seem right.

Alec was hesitant. "Oh we were both just talking about what poker game we would be betting on. All the vampires have been holding poker matches. I've won quite a bit out of it all. That's all babe" I looked to Aro for confirmation, and he nodded. But it still felt wrong.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Why would I lie to you Bella?" The way he said "lie", almost mockingly, made me do something I had never done in the past. I cheeked Alec to see if he was telling the truth. And against my hopes, I found he was lying.

"What are you not telling me Alec?" I said, raising my voice just a little with my frustration. The way Dasha was now looking at Alec, wasn't what I would call friendly. It was full of lust and desire.

Alec only avoided my eyes and shook his head, "Nothing Bella. Now let's just go and get married beautiful." He reached out for my hand and I saw the hatred and jealously in Dasha's eyes. There was most definitely something going on.

"Edward," I gasped as the thought quickly entered my mind, " his thoughts. Now" I said urgently, wishing I had stole Edwards's power long ago so I could do it myself. But I knew I never would like that. Thank god Edward was here, and yet as he nodded and looked to Alec, a part of me didn't want to know if it was bad. I saw the panic in Alec's eyes as he looked at Edward, but that quickly changed as he turned back to me.

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