Chapter sixteen - Gazebo's and Meadow's

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Chapter 16- Gazebo's and Meadow's


I stood there shocked in Edward's arms, not knowing what to do. I should have been rushing to greet Alec, yet half of me didn't want to leave. I felt like I was torn into two. I watched as Alec walked inside, disappearing as the doors shut behind him. Edward didn't say a word, he only let go of my waist and stepped away from me.

"Don't" I whispered, stepping back into his arms.

"But Bella," he said, only loud enough to just be heard, even by me. "Alec's home." His hands found my shoulders and he gently pulled me away from him. I sent him a questioning look, making him sigh. "Bella you need to be with him, he misses you. I bet he is running around right now trying to find you." I looked down. "Plus, over the last weeks, you have missed him so much. You said so yourself. Right now you're probably feeling quite confused."

"How did you-"

"I know you Bella. I've been here for you when he wasn't. Moments ago I was comforting you in a way he should have been. And due to that, you have become attracted. Don't worry, it won't last. The second you see your fiancé, you will be back to only thinking about him and forget about little old me" he smiled.

"Little? You're like a giant!" I laughed, stepping away from him and looking back over to where Alec stood moments ago. Maybe Edward had a point. Just yesterday I was missing him so much I had kissed Edward, but then Edward was here when I was truly confused and needed support, but Alec wasn't. No wonder I had become close with Edward. But he was right. It would fade. We would go back to just being friends and Alec would go back to my supporting, loving, trustful, and loyal fiancé.

With that I looked back to Edward. "I have to go" I smiled. He only nodded and gestured me to run after him. "Wait out there?" I asked, after he pointed to the front door, which was right behind 50 metres of sunlight. Thanks to me not worrying about wearing something to cover me from the sun, I couldn't just run out across it, I would have to take the back way. The long way.

"Here" Edward said, taking off his jacket and handing it to me. I looked at him questioningly, but he only laughed. "Like this Bella" he took it out of my hands and placed it over my head, creating a shield from the sunlight. As a final touch he tucked a piece of hair that had fallen in front of my face, back behind my ear. "There." he said looking over me, "You're ready to greet your husband to be."

I smiled up at him, "Thanks Edward." I went to walk out, but as a final thought leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. Sending him a final smile, I walked out under the sun's rays towards the Volterra mansion. Once I had reached the shelter of the car park, out the front of the entrance, I turned back to face Edward to wave good bye and thank you, but when I did, he was gone. My eyes quickly searched over the other entrances facing the square, but he was nowhere to be seen.

I slowly turned, pulling Edward's jacket down to sit upon my shoulders, and continued on inside. My mind was wandering through the multiple possibilities of my future with Edward. He was an amazing friend. There was no doubt about that, but some part of me, some unknown force, kept pulling me towards him. No matter who I was with, or who I should have been with, I always ran towards him. My mind jumped back to the stranger in my once lost memory. Maybe Edward was that stranger? I laughed at myself, knowing all to well that if he was, he would have found me after I was changed. Not left me to struggle through my years not knowing who I was alone. Edward was too much of a friend to do that to me.

I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard the laughter erupting from the throne room. I could tell Alec, Marcus and Caius were in there, alongside their wives, Jane, some guard members and of course Alec. I smiled to myself and started to drift towards the room.

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