Chapter two - All an act

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Chapter two: All an act 


When I opened my eyes everything was so clear, sharp and defined. I remember seeing the building when I first arrived; I remember thinking how beautiful it was. Looking back I had no idea. The walls around me were aged dramatically. The way the sun light from the window bounced off them created the perfect rainbow of colours. I could see every dint, scratch and imprint created on the walls, obviously there with age. It was old, but beyond beautiful. I know knew why the volturi stayed here. Why would they want to leave?  

I knew it was over, there was no way my old human eyes would see so much detail. I could hear people in the street below and cars leaving the gates of Volterra. I could hear hundreds of heartbeats, footsteps and conversations all running at once. But when I heard someone next to me sigh, I knew it was Jane; she was holding her breath.  

"Jane, you can breathe" 

"Oh! Bella, are you okay?" 

"Yeah Jane, I feel amazing, I'm just glad the pain is over!" that was another good point; I would never have to go through that pain again. "There is just so much to take in!" 

Jane let out a small giggle, "Oh Bella, you will learn to love being who you are now! The speed, the hearing, your talent, whatever yours may be? But I'm sure we will soon find out!" Besides Jane, I was also interested in what my talent might be. I wonder if it has something to do with the way Jane, Aro and Edward could not use their 'talents' on me.  

I realized the sun was setting. It was getting darker. The last stream of light flashed through the window and onto my skin. A million small sparkles glittered off my hand. A flash memory crossed my mind, of the time Edward sat with me in our meadow, the way his skin... okay Bella, forget, you must, forget about ALL Cullen's, especially Edward.  

"Bella, I have to admit, you're doing surprisingly well" I looked over to Jane, glad for her to take the thought of my mind. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well I don't think you know but usually newborns, as you are and will be for quite a while, get straight up and go kind of crazy. They are often surprised by their surroundings, and extreamely hungry. But you my dear? You seem like you just woke up from a wonderful dream" she let out a small laugh. 

Was that true? Did a 'newborn' usually go crazy? I sat up, but was shocked at how fast I managed it. The second I thought about it, it was done. "Wow that was fast!" I smiled at Jane. 

"Yeah I told you, but you will get used of the speed soon enough!" she gave out her hand and I took it, being careful of all my movements.  

"Jane, you have to tell me something!" 

She looked worried for a while but she finally looked over at me "anything"  

"Jane why are you here?" 

I guess it took her with quite a surprise "what?" 

"Well, why are you helping me? Why not someone way under you, someone lower in your ranking scale?"  

Jane let go of my hand and looked at the ground, "well, you see for what seems like forever now, it has just been Marcus, Aro, Caius, Demetri, Alec and I basically. I mean yeah there are the wives and the 'protectors', but for all this time it has basically been me and the boys" she let out a laugh shortly followed by a sigh. "Bella, with you around, I will no longer be the only girl, I won't have to put on this act!" 

"What act?" it all made sense what she was saying, I would hate being the only girl amounts a bunch of males.  

"Bella, do you really think I naturally walk around acting like I haven't seen Aro for centuries? I go on a hunting trip and when I return I have to act like I've been away for years. And the whole 'posh' part in the way we are made to speak!"  

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