Chapter eleven - Remembering hatred

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Chapter 11 - Remembering Hatred


I couldn't help but want to cry. I was sitting beside my bed with my mobile in hand, huddled into the corner of the room. On the other side of the line was Alec, calling to check up on me. It was sweet and I loved to hear his voice, but every word he spoke made me want him by my side even more. Alec was too far away to just drop in and see his fiancé. So a call once a week was all I got until the wedding. Seems unfair and cruel? It is. But they were too busy to get distracted by a silly phone call. Or well that's what Alec told me.

"Baby, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You know how many of these missions I've been on. Before you were even born I was hunting whole covens of rouge vampires" I heard Alec chuckle on the on the end.

"I know love. But still, I can't help but worry and plus I've been so lonely lately, I'm running out of things to do" it had been a week since I had seen anyone besides Jane, Aro, Caius and Marcus. And with them busy all the time, I found myself needing Alec even more.

Alec laughed, "Bella, you're the most powerful vampire I know and yet you can't find something to occupy your time? There has to be someone. What about all the guests who arrived for our wedding?"

"Well there are the Cullens, whom are the only real sociable coven here at the moment. All the others just hide in their rooms, almost like real vampires" I found myself laughing at the idea of that, but when I finally stopped I found Alec was silent. "Alec?"

"Bella don't talk to the Cullens." this caught me off guard.


"You know what they are like, just let them be. Promise me you won't seek them out." Alec was becoming quite angry, and yet I found myself not understanding why. The Cullens were fine. Harmless even.

"I can look after myself." I told him, getting upset with his amount of distrust he had in me.

"I know. Believe me I know. But you don't know the Cullens" I heard him take a deep breath, "well really its Edward I'm worried about. You don't know him like I do" I found myself relax just a bit. I understood when it came to Edward. Just the moment we experienced when we went hunting gave me enough motive to keep a distance from him.

"Don't worry Alec. I'll stay away from him, but I can't promise that when it comes to the rest of the Cullens." I heard Alec sigh, and I knew he wasn't going to argue with me.

"I guess I can handle that. Just be careful darling"

"I will Alec. Don't worry" I waited for him to say something else, but when he didn't. I felt like I had to say something, anything, just to keep him on the line just that bit longer. "Alec I -" I stopped the second I heard the voice on the other end. Alec wasn't alone. And the laughter was not one I recognized. It was a woman. "Who are you with?" I asked him.

"Sorry Bella, I'm talking to you outside a bar, some people just walked out. Can you still hear me?" I knew it was wrong to question, but the silence of his voice and they way there was no music or crowds indicated he was not near any bar.

But my morals got the better of me, he was my fiancé. I trusted him, and he trusted me. "Yeah I can hear you. Are you still able to talk?"

"It's probably best if I go darling. The boys need me. I'm sorry love. I'll call you as soon as I can. I love you"

"Yeah love you too. Miss you ."

"Miss you too. Cheer up! Ill be home soon" I heard him kiss the phone twice before hanging up. Overall we had talked for about an hour, but even still that went way too quickly. I missed him way too much for my own good. After much thought I decided it was best if I got away from my room. It just made me want him more, but where to go?

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