Chapter seventeen - Killing time

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Chapter seventeen - killing Time


"Edward I-"

"Save it Rose" I snapped. I was on the balcony at our temporary home looking across the woods. After leaving Bella to go greet her fiancé, this was the only place left to go. Alice had seen the events that passed and warned the rest of the family of my state before I arrived. Where I hoped to return to a family ignorant of my past events, I returned to a house hold thinking only of me and speaking in whispers behind my back. Every so often one would approach trying to cheer me up. But that was the last thing I needed right now.

Bella surprised me when she was reluctant to see Alec. She wanted to stay with me, and even though I wanted her to stay more than anything, I had to convince her otherwise. Finally she agreed with me and left. Right now I think they would be tangled in sheets in some room, doing the one thing I never got the privilege to share with Bella. I knew for a fact Alec held her virginity. It almost killed me when I put two and two together. It was easier in a way when I thought Bella had passed away. I knew I was the last one to hold her, kiss her, and love her. I was the last one she said 'I love you' to, and I was the one she dreamt of on her last night. But knowing she has been living all this time, forgetting me and living only for Alec made it all that worst. She couldn't stay with me in that arch way. She now belonged to him. I had made that self discovery ages ago, but it was something I still struggled with and would for a long time.

I could still sense Rose behind me. I knew she wanted to help, but this was not her area of expertise. I knew she regretted everything she put me and Bella through, mainly Bella when she was human. She wanted so badly to make up for it all. She wanted to show she was sorry to not only me but to Bella also. Bella never lived to understand Rose's hate for her, or well more like jealously. She never got to see how much Rose really did like her. Sure she hated her for wanting to be one of us and putting our family at risk, but almost adored her for being here for me; loving me and most of all being the first girl who I loved back. Every day I was with Bella in the past, I remember reading Rose's happiness for me within her thoughts. She loved seeing me happy and as much in love as she was with Emmett. She used to worry for me so much before Bella. She always wished for the day I met the girl I called for. She truly believed there was the perfect match for everyone, their other true half she once put it. In her mind, Bella was my calling, even though she was disappointed in the human aspect of Bella at the time, she accepted her. Rose only worried that Bella would cause harm to the family if she stayed human. She was right of course, about Bella being my other half, but wrong about her being human.

When I was with Bella, nothing was easy. We faced the hardship of a human/vampire relationship, came face to face with other vampires, almost causing not only hers, but my death as well, and we even faced her father on a number of occasions. And now we faced the Volturi. But when was love ever easy? I looked at Alice and Jasper and saw the struggles of how they coped with each other's pasts. Both damaged and scared, but both willing to help the other through any situation that faced them. Then there was Rose and Emmett. With Rose's background she needed Emmett to stand by her and treat her like she needed, Emmett was perfect for her, even bringing out Rose's fun side once in a while. Both complement each other, while testing and teasing each other, with Emmett's recklessness and eye for women and Rose's short temper and strong opinion. And last off there was Carlisle and Esme. They both shared the need to help others and protect all who they come into contact with them. With Carlisle's natural leadership and Esme's motherly touch they worked together perfectly. Creating the perfect bond between them and reflecting the relationship many envied. And yet it was shown over years how Esme's need to protect came into conflict with Carlisle need to lead, even so, they always somehow worked it out, agreeing on a plan that suited and accompanied both ideals.

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