Chapter six - New powers

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Chapter six - "New Powers"


"Bella!" Alec grabbed me, lifting me into his arms and spinning me around. I found myself letting out a playful scream followed by giggles both from myself and Alec. 

"Alec put me down, we have things to do" He sighed and slowly placed me down in front of him, not letting go of my waist. His smile made my legs feel weak every time I saw him; of course he didn't need to know that. "Now let go" I told him smiling up at him.  

"But..." he put on his innocent face and pouted his lips a little.  

"Alec don't you dare use that face on me. It's not fair!" I looked away from him trying to look mad, but really I also didn't want him to let go. 

"Hey..." he grabbed my chin in his hand, and turned it so I was looking at him again. "A boyfriend has the right to hold his girlfriend" 

"Oh really, is that all they are allowed to do?" I gave in to him and wrapped my arms around his neck bringing myself even closer to him. 

"They are also allowed to do this" he leaned down as I leaned up meeting him half way. His kissed me gently and softly, and like always it was filled with hope, love and desire.  

Alec and I had made it official and decided to give into our hearts as he put it, about one year ago. After 100 years of falling in love, it was about time we got together. But like all volturi relationships they are taken with a lot of respect and you never date another member in the volturi coven unless you are head over heels. So being in a relationship is almost the same as getting married. You have to love the person you are with. Plus pass the Marcus test. You cannot make it official until Marcus declares you're in love. But of course I didn't need some relationship reader to tell me what I already knew. I loved Alec. What surprised me most was no one was taken back by Alec and I coming out and announcing our love. They were more surprised by how long it took us to realize it.  

Between Alec and I, we had both decided to take it slow. It was still all knew to us. We loved being together and making out. But we hadn't had sex yet and we were willing to wait. The thing was we couldn't keep our hands off each other. When you had enternity, there was no rush.

"When you two are done sucking faces, Aro wants to see you both in his chambers" Jane appeared out of nowhere, standing at the door of Alec's bedroom. 

"Not now Jane" Alec almost growled between kisses. 

I heard Jane giggle and walk further into Alec's bedroom, sitting on his couch. "Alright then, but he sounded mad, and he said something about a wedding and you two" Alec and I stopped suddenly and glared at Jane. 

"What" I almost whispered, but it came out more like a gasp. 

"Hey I don't know, go and see him." She shooed us with her hands leaning back into the couch. 

"Come on babe" Alec said holding my hand and walking out of his bedroom. We didn't say anything for a while until we came to his chambers doors. We looked at each other and both took a deep breath.  

"What do you think it's about?" I asked him, feeling nervous. It was never anything when it came to Aro. 

"I have no idea. Come on, ladies first" he opened the door and I walked in.  

"Aro?" I called walking into his chamber. 

"Over here Bella dear!" we followed the voice of Aro into his study, where he was sitting at his desk looking over some papers. 

"Jane said you were looking for us" Alec said. 

"Yes, I want you two to represent us at a wedding. Two Vampires are having yet another wedding and like always I need someone to represent the volturi. I think the wedding plans to be held in Canada, and you don't have to stay long, just enough to be polite, then you can leave. I'm also giving the both of you a two week vacation alone, it seems you might like the time together." Aro smiled at me and winked. I walked over to him and hugged him. 

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