Chapter three - My new home

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chapter three - "My new home" 


"Hurry up Bella!" Jane called to me as we ran through the now dark city. This was the first time I was able to run at my full speed. And it felt GREAT! The way the air streamed past my face, and how even though I was going so fast, I could see everything. Down to the last drop of water which lay on the street in Volterra. This was amazing!  

"Get ready Bella! We have to jump the wall ahead, just keep your eyes ahead of you, and when you come close to it, just run up it and down the other side. Easy!" I could hear the smile in Jane's voice. She knew I was probably freaking out now, and truth is, I was. How in hell was I meant to jump that huge wall that was coming into view now?  

I skidded to a stop about 500 metres from the wall to watch Jane. She made it look so easy. She looked like spider man from one of the old movies my dad made me watch. It was boring but I remember him climbing the wall, he made it look so eas, and Jane seemed to mimic him perfectly. Except for the fact she wasn't in some horrible red and black suit! 

I counted to three before I ran towards the wall. I leaped into the air about 50 metres from it jumping towards the top of the wall. I missed it by a little, but I naturally started climbing. For a small moment, I imagined myself as Spiderman. But once I was over that was soon forgotten, as I saw Jane nodding her head in approval before taking off again. I smiled at my success and took off after her.  

There seemed to be trees everywhere outside the walls of Volterra. But for some weird reason I could pick up everyone, making it impossible to run into them. I now knew how Edward did it. And I realised all those times I freaked when I was so silly.  

I shook my head. Bella! You must forget, I kept saying it over and over in my head. Must forget! MUST forget! 

It wasn't until Jane came to a sudden stop that I stopped saying it. I ran straight past her and had to run back to where she stood. She greeted me with a warm smile.  

"Jane that was amazing! Let's do it again" for some strange reason all I wanted to do was run! It was the best feeling I had felt in what seemed like years! 

"Wow! Slow down Bella, don't you want to hunt?" 

"Umm..." now that she mentioned it my throat was getting quite sore. The burning feeling seemed to be getting worst just thinking about it. "Yes please!" 

"Thought so," Jane let out a small laugh "come on, this way!" She started to run in an easterly direction until we reached a small clearing. "Okay Bella," she said turning to me "I need you to do this part. Close your eyes." I gave her an uncertain look, why in hell would I need to close my eyes? She seemed to understand my curiosity, "trust me Bella it helps!" I have her one quick look before closing my eyes. 

I now knew what she meant. I could hear so much more when my eyes were not concentrating on front of me. What could I hear? I could tell there was another clearing, smaller than the one we were in now just to the north of us, the wind was faster there, so there wasn't a lot of trees. There was also what seemed to be a stream to the west, it created a small waterfall, it sounded amazing. But I knew Jane wasn't after features in the land, she wanted more. I concentrated until I could make out small heart beats and the quiet noise of something eating what I assumed to be grass. Deer? As I listened more carefully I could hear the small flow of liquid running. It was blood.  

Just as I realized that, the wind changed coming from the west, just near the pond, with it came the strong scent of the deer. It was a warm rich and tangy smell, much stronger than anything I had smelt in the last hour. I wrinkled my nose. 

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