Chapter thirteen - Sunrise, Sunset

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Chapter 13 - Sunrise, Sunset


After seeing Tim, I decided that there was no sense running to the Cullens. My meeting with Tim had ran overtime and there was no way I could beat them now. I started to walk slowly through the streets of Volterra, passing the small town houses that belonged to the humans. As I passed each house I counted the amount of heart beats I could hear, identifying the amount of adults and children that slept with in each room. Each heart was different. Some faster, others slower. Each belonging to a life, alive and living. All who lived within the walls of Volterra were destined to die, never becoming one of us. It was the way Aro made it. He wanted his people to live. I couldn't understand how the Volturi protected the humans within these walls, but were happy to kill others outside them. To me, each life was just as important as any other. Each human had potential. They loved others and others loved them. They didn't deserve to die.

I stopped by one of the open windows. Inside laid two small children. I closed my eyes and concentrated on their heartbeats, and soon enough small images appeared in front of me. Their dreams. It was a power i used rarely; the ability to see dreams and memories; but it was i actually enjoyed having. It was nothing like Aros power. He saw everything, where as i only saw what that person was remembering right at the moment. Considering i was unable to dream myself, i lived through the dreams of others. The two small boys dreamt about dragons, and magical kingdoms. Each new image that appeared was just as colourful as the last, running on fast forward until it ended and a new image appeared. It was their dreams as they changed. Each new thought and memory that the boys had experienced in the past, transformed into amazing images and scenes before my eyes. There was no evil amongst these thoughts. Only the imagination of a child filled with hope and kindliness of their upbringing. How could anyone want to take this away from them?

I knew, as I stood there, eyes closed transfixed on the boys dreams, that all it would take was one of the Vampires that surrounded them to expose them self, for these dreams to change and for the nightmares to begin. It would be so easy. And yet these boys were safe. They lived within the sacred walls that kept their nightmares away. But what about the other children around the world? Who can save them? What about the girl in the story Alice told? Did she have nightmares of what could happen? If she did, I'm sure they were about what was within these walls, not the people she loved and spent her time with. The Volturi may protect the people in Volerra, but what about the rest of the world? They Cullens weren't the monsters. The red eyes are. The volturi is. The fear i help cause over the lands, may not resort in killing, but it causes something worst. Nightamares. And because of that, so am I the monster.

"Please stop" My eyes flew open as my defenses went up, destroying the new round of colours the boys were creating before me. There, down the street, stood Edward. Arm outstretched towards me, pain spread across his face. Why was it lately i kept letting my shield drop? 

"Edward!" I gasped, "You scared me, what are you doing here? I thought you were with the others" Edward started to walk towards me. "I was on my way to see you all. I'm sorry; I was distracted by a friend. I hope you weren't looking for me" I found myself rambling as he become closer.

"Bella please stop" he whispered as he reached the spot in front of me and placed his hands upon my shoulders.

"Pardon me? Stop what?" for some reason beyond my understanding I felt all logic and reasoning leave me. I couldn't think and words jumbled in my mouth. What was happening to me?

"It's not your fault. The other Volturi members choose to live like that. They are older than most of us, therefore forgetting what it was like to be human, and forgetting the value of each human life. They choose the easier option. They are weak Bella. But you," he smiled, "you are strong. You fight the temptation for human blood, making you better than them. Stronger than them"

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