Chapter five - Protection

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Chapter five - "Protection"


As my ten year anniversary of being a vampire neared my life was finally making sense. I had settled into my vampire life surprisingly well. With the vegetarian life style I was still able to resist the need and natural instinct to feed on human blood. With no casualties and the same rank as Jane, Aro was allowing my ten year anniversary to be the time where I was finally allowed to be around people. Despite Jane telling me years ago it would only take a month for this day to come, Aro ruled against it, claiming it was safer to be sure. Being able to walk amoungst the humans would bring more opportunities for me. I can finally venture into town in the daylight as long as I was covered as well as travelling around the world on errands for Aro. 

Over my time here I have grown very close to a lot of people, Including Aro, Marcus and Caius. Jane finds it amazing how I'm like the only person who gets away with just strolling into their chambers and sitting on their couch, interrupting there reading or telephone call. I can be in there for hours just talking to them about anything. They always seem to let there guard down, acting like normal vampires for the time I'm in there. We laugh and joke around and they even give me a hug or kiss on the forehead when I leave. They are like my three fathers and they constantly tell me I'm like the daughter they all never had.  

I have also grown very close to Alec. I spend almost all my time with him and Jane. They make my long days exciting and worthwhile. We have all became very close and they have became not only my best friends but also by brother and sister. Together we are always laughing or causing trouble. And even if Aro hates some of the things we get up to, he always seems to turn a blind eye, which we are very grateful for.  

Every three years or so I have to go through a memory cheek up, It appears my human life is slowly disappearing. When I go through the test which usually include three hours of questions with about 10 vampires watching me to make sure I'm not lying, everyone just gets happier and happier when they find out I have forgotten some other person in my old life. I can no longer remember my father or mother, the schools I've been to or even my old friends. Truth is I don't even remember anything except one face. That face over the years has become more and more of a blur. The face I see when I look back into my past is always the same. A man with high cheekbones, a strong jaw line, and a straight nose and full lips, his hair, which is always messy, retains the unusual bronze shade and his eyes, always so serious and intense yet loving, have the perfect gold shade, the same color as mine have became over time of being on a vegetarian diet. I have forgotten his name yet every time I have this memory the man always says the same words, "Bella, I don't want you to come with me" each time I heard these words a thousand questions came rushing into my head. Who was this man? Where did he go? Why didn't he want me? Why was he the only memory I had left? Each time I told Jane this she told me to forget about it. I usually did, and each time I remembered it again, the image was fuzzier, like it was slowly deleting itself.  According to Jane, she has never seen a Vampire forget their human life so quickly. Apparently it takes most vampires a minimum of 100 years to forget. 

One thing that had helped so much with losing my past life's memories was my shield. Over the years I had learnt to control it and work with it. I had discovered I could lift it one time and was accidently attacked with Jane's power. It hurt but my shield snapped back into place and the pain stoped. With my shield I am then able to block certain memories, like my human past. It comes in need because those memories then fade quickly once blocked. But somehow I can't block my last memory, so instead I have to wait it out and wait for it to fade by itself.  

I was sitting on my bed by my window in my room when Jane and Alec came in. I put down the book I was reading and looked over to them.  

"Hey Bells!" Jane said "I see you like your bed" she came and sat next to me.  

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