Chapter eighteen - My eyes on you

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Chapter 18 - my eyes on you.


Music and laughter filled my ears as I entered the transformed throne room. It was the night of Bella's hen's night, and like presumed, Jane had gone completely overboard. I thought Alice always went over the top, but compared to Jane's decorations and effort, it put Alice to shame. Streamers, balloons, and sparkled paper covered everything and seemed to flow never-ending from the ceiling. A table of blood shots and boxes filled one wall and music pumped through the multiple speakers throughout the room. And to make matters worst, every female vampire that had turned up for tomorrows events stood centre stage talking and dancing.

Taking a quick scan of the room I found there to be only 10 guys. Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, myself, five others, and Tim, the guy I found Bella talking too that one night on the roof top. I realised all the men in the room must be Bella's close friends, or else they would most likely be with Alec, but I didn't blame them for wanting to be here more. Who knew what Alec would be getting up to tonight.

Walking around the room I found almost every female vampire eyeing my brothers and me with lust and seduction. We had many approach us trying to steal a dance or a night in some bedroom, but when word got out about Emmett and Jasper being in fact taken, (probable by Rose and Alice warning certain woman to back off) I became the primary target, which was overall the last thing I needed.

We had been here for about half an hour but I still hadn't seen either Jane, or more importantly, Bella. I just wanted to wish her a happy night as the last couple of hours being single shortened, but she was still nowhere to be seen. Almost right after I began to give up, the music died and lights dimmed. A single spotlight lit up the main entrance doors, and after Jane walking out and waving a hand to gain people attention, the chatter died as well.

"Ladies and gentlemen" Jane giggled. "Introducing for the last time, Miss Bella." Everyone started clapping as Jane opened the doors revealing no one. She looked back angry for a moment but quickly walked behind the door corner and pulled out Bella who was most likely hiding due to the resistance she pulled, but as she fully came into view she stopped tackling Jane and stood there. And I could understand why. Jane had her dressed in the shortest black dress I had ever seen Bella wear. It was strapless and had a heart shaped bust-line, clinging to her torso revealing every perfect curve and body line. The small dress had a black bow on her right hip which helped the dress flow out from there. It stopped mid-thigh and was accompanied with simple black stilettos. I knew they were too high for Bella's liking by just looking at her. She had a smile on, but I could see right through it. She wasn't happy. Not really. And I knew it wasn't all about the dress or stiletto's.

Everyone cheered and clapped as Bella finally entered, saying hi to everyone she knew and accepting congratulations from those she didn't. I remained at the back not wanting to seek her out, and instead just watching her float around the room. I smiled as she reached my family, hugging each one and for the first time that night smiling generally. I saw her lips move as she asked Alice where I was, which made me step back into the shadows that little bit more. I didn't know why but I couldn't face her. I was always afraid of saying something I shouldn't and ruining the last moments I had with her. I knew Alice could tell where I stood, but thankfully she just shook her head and told her she had no idea. Bella nodded and thanked them before moving on.

She found Tim by the blood shots not far from me to the left, smiling as she hugged him but then turning serious, both turning their backs to the others behind them and leaning close to talk privately. I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about, hoping it wasn't something bad, but as I heard Bella's laugh fill the room, I found myself chuckling and letting my worries fade away.

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