Chapter eight - Early Visitors

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Chapter eight - "Early Visitors"


My life has really improved recently. Jasper and Alice helped me search for Bella for over three hundred years. I soon had to face the fact I would never see her again. If she had been alive, she was dead now. No human lived to be a much over one hundred. And Carlisle had asked around and no one had found her as a Vampire, so that possibility was quickly ruled out. I soon had to face my demons and had to come to the terms I would never see my Bella again. I spent years wallowing in my own self pity. I couldn't help but feel partially responsible. If I hadn't left her, we would have had many glorious years together. But I had to be the gentleman I was raised to be, and by being so screwed up the only part of my life that truly meant anything. 

Over the last few years I have found myself coming back out of my shell. I used to spend so long locked away from my family, sometimes even running away for months at a time. But I now know that isn't the way to deal with things. It took awhile but I started spending more time with my family than listening to music in my room. I started going places like school and into town with Alice and the others. 

I'm feeling better now. I have gone from mourning Bella to celebrating and remembering to fun times I had with her. I realized I can never get those moments back and they were the moments that made my life. I'm still sad when it comes close to the anniversary of her disappearance or all the little things that reminds me of her, but I always face it with a smile and happy memories. I miss her terribly. No one could ever replace her or change the way I felt around her all those years ago or the way I still continue to feel when I remember her. My memories of her get me through the day. 

I know I will never fall in love again. My heart had been stolen by Bella and now lies where she rests. It took awhile to come to terms with that aswell. When I looked into my future I used to see Bella beside me, now I know that would never happen. I am now destined to live a life alone with the company of my friends and family. And that is something I'm okay with. 

As I drove up my driveway I stopped to get the mail. I had just returned from shopping where I had got my family all gifts for Christmas. I knew there was no pleasing Alice so I just got her a yellow porse she has spotted years back. I had promised it to her but then everything went downhill. It was time to make up for it all. Once I reached the house I went to open the door but found Alice suddenly on my lap wrapping her arms around me. 

"Thank you! Oh thank you Edward!" she yelled happily. 

"It's okay Alice. Just remember you don't get it till Christmas" I said playfully. Alice pouted kissed my cheek then slid of me and out of the car. 

"What was all that about" Jasper asked walking up to me. 

"Alice just saw her Christmas present. But I think it was cheating" I laughed and Jasper joined in. 

"Well that explains it. But now the rest of us have to wait till then to see what you got her" Jasper laughed opening the door and walking inside. I followed him and collapsed onto the couch dropping the letters onto the coffee table on my way past. 

"Hey Edward, wanna see who can catch the biggest snack?" Emmett grinned from the top of the stairs. 

"Emmett I just ate, how about tomorrow? I'll wait to feed until then!" I said. 

"Awesome, it's on!" Emmett plopped onto the couch next to me and turned the TV over to the football. 

"Not that crap again!" Rose slid in next to Emmett and went to reach for the remote but last second Emmett grabbed it and chucked it to me. 

"Dude don't bring me into this" I said throwing it back. The one thing I have learnt over the years is never to get in the way to Rose. 

"See Edward knows manners. Ladies choice. And I don't want to watch this load of crap!" she went to reach for the remote again but Emmett moved too quickly placing it just out of reach. 

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