Chapter four - A turn of events

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Chapter four - a turn of events


Two years had passed since I last left forks. I had told the woman I loved that I didn't want her and left. I felt horrible. But it was the right thing to do. Now here I am leaving the airport from Seattle to then drive to forks to meet my family. I had told them when I called last that my visit was going to be short. I didn't want to see her. I didn't want her to see me. I just missed my family.  

After leaving Bella it wasn't long till I also left my family the Cullen's as well. I couldn't stand all the love they shared with each other. Lame? I know. But after many attempts to forget Bella through tracking and travelling, I failed. I just couldn't get her out of my head, every thought was about Bella. So when Alice called and told me to come home I slowly made my way back.  

They had moved back to forks, it was Esme's favourite home and the others missed it. They had decided not to go to school for another year or two, for they too were missing Bella. I personally think it was their way to keep an eye on her, after I left her. I didn't like it. How was Bella meant to live the life she was meant to have with a coven of vampires sitting in the shadows watching her? I told them not to but they just wouldn't listen. They still continued to live there.  

As I pulled into the long drive way it wasn't long until I could hear the bustling minds of my family. I truly did miss them all. The second I stepped out of the car I had Alice's small arms wrapped around me. 

"Edward! How are you? I've missed you! God so much as happened! I got more clothes, and finished another fashion course, I re-did jaspers and my room, oh and yours, I hope you don't mind. I also got you a whole new wardrobe full of clothes and..." 

"Wow Alice, let him breath" Jasper placed a hand on Alice's shoulder and she took a step back. 

"Thanks Jasper," I said embracing him in a quick hug, "Hi Alice, yeah I'm good. I missed you too and I don't mind about the room, I don't plan to stay that long anyway. Where is everyone else?" I quickly realized it was only us three outside, and quickly side stepped Jasper and Alice and headed for the front door.  

"See I told you he wouldn't mind Jasper" Alice said shooting a glance towards Jasper. 

"I never said he wouldn't, I just said you shouldn't"  

"Anyways, Edward everyone is inside, Esme insisted that we should wait for you to come in but I have missed you too much!" 

"Okay Alice and like I said I missed you too, it has been quite lonely without you around! Hello?" I called out to the rest of my family as I walked inside. Alice was right. There was Carlisle and Esme ready to greet me just off the front entrance, and Emmett and Rose just behind them. I didn't waste time; I embraced both Esme and Carlisle in a hug. 

"Hi mum, dad, I've missed you, sorry about being away for so long" Carlisle let go but Esme continued to hug for a bit longer.  

"Oh Edward, I've missed you so much, are you okay, have you been well?" 

"Yes Esme I've been good, how about you?" 

"That's good son, yeah we have all been good, buts it's good to have you back home where you belong" Carlisle placed a hand around Esme's shoulders, but they were pushed out of the way pretty quickly by Emmett. 

"Ed! What's up brother, it's been no fun around here without you. Heard you went to Africa, catch any good meals? Or ladies for that matter?" 

"Emmett! Shut it, sorry Edward he doesn't think, Hi how are you holding up?" I had to admit, rose could be a huge pain in the butt, but she sometimes she said the right thing at the right time. 

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