Chapter nine - Found her

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Chapter nine - Found her


As I enter the gates to Volterra, I couldn't help but moan. Yet again we found ourselves under the walls of the one place we all hated. We had no say or freedom within these walls. We were always being watched, always had some guard member keeping an eye on us, ready to dob us into the royals. So as we drove into the main square, I kept my eye out. Like I thought I could spot four guard members. All watching us. I gave them a wave and nodded in there direction.

Alice chuckled from the seat next to me. "Edward, don't tease them, we don't want to cause trouble." she gave me a wink as she parked under the shaded entrance to the volturi mansion. especially made to keep the sun from the vampires who entered. Carlisle drove up next to us and as a family we all got out and walked towards the doors.

We were greeted by yet another new volturi secretary, I couldn't help but wonder where they kept getting them from. I swear they had a new one each day. Once the secretary introduced herself as Lynette, she showed us towards the foyer just outside the throne room. As we walked up, three vampires who Alice, Jasper and I met on our travels to find Bella all those years ago, were standing waiting to meet the royals. The second they spotted us, their thoughts ran wild.

I looked over to Jasper and Alice who were looking at me with grins spread across their faces. Look whose here Edward. Your biggest fans! Alice thought laughing into Jaspers side. I just thought about jumping onto Alice with my teeth bared, and she shut up quite quickly, seeing it through her visions.

"Edward? Edward Cullen? Well who would have known?" Georgia said crossing her arms and leaning onto one side.

"This was the last place I thought to find you. Did you hunt me down for some more fun my darling?" Emma asked, winking at me. I turned to look at my family for some help, but everyone beside Alice and Jasper just stared at me, with questions written all over their faces and in their thoughts.

Jasmine caught onto the confusion and laughed. "oh Edward. Didn't you tell them about our wonderful time in Britain?" when I didn't answer she just continued, addressing my family, "obviously not. The Cullen coven is it? Hi my name is Jasmine. This is Emma and Georgia. We met Edward and the other two in Britain about a century ago. We got to know each other really well." Jasmin continued to laugh and the other two joined in.

"Edward care to explain?" Carlisle thought, just as Lynette came in.

"Weir coven? The Volturi will see you now" Lynette gestured for them to walk through the double doors.

"well, I guess we will see you all later then" Emma turned to me, "Bye Edward" she gave me another wink, and with the other girls on her heal they exited into the throne room. Still thinking about me in very inappropriate situations that never went on.

Once the girls were out of listening distance I took a deep breath and turned to my family, who were trying not to laugh. "okay I don't know what went on, but I do not want to know what eddy boy got up to with those three babes" Emmett laughed as Rose hit him in the chest.

"it was nothing. Really. I just pray to god I never see those three again" I went over and sat on one of the waiting couches. And soon everyone joined me. We didn't talk, we all just sat there waiting for our turn.

It was coming up to five minutes since the girls went in there. It was around then, that we started to hear the voices. Yelling and blasts of what could only be thought to be someone's power. I stood up alerted by what I was hearing. It was only seconds later that my family caught on the the noises coming from the other room. They rose next to me and worry and doubt filled all their thoughts.

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