Chapter twelve - The girl

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Chapter 12 - The girl


I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. the anger inside me was rising, becoming harder and harder to control. I needed to calm down soon, because the consequences where to high. I could tell the Cullens were preparing to attack if I lost it. From what I could tell, with my back turned, Jasper was now kneeling in a way to shield Alice from me, and Emmett held his hand tightly around roses waist. I squeezed my eyes tighter, fighting hard to release the fists I had created. I took a few more deep breaths, trying to release the anger within.

"Bella, " Alice tried again, "please come sit down and let me tell you the full story. From our point of view"

I had never considered that there was another point of view. Logic told me that there had to be, but I realized over the years I had never listened to that logic, only the Volturi. I thought it wouldn't hurt to listen. As well as giving myself more insight, it allowed more time for me to calm down, and frankly, I needed all the time in the world right now. I slowly turned around and took the few steps back to where they were sitting. I placed myself in front of Alice, leaving space between me and them. Making sure my shield was still up and active, i nodded for her to begin. 

Alice gave the others one final look before turning her gaze back to mine. She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and sighing. "I wish I could see the best way to tell you this, but thanks to your shield, I'm in the dark. But I promise not to lie to you Bella, and even though I might at times believe its best for you not to know, I'm going to tell you any ways. Because believe it or not, I still consider you part of the family, despite your hatred towards us right now"

When I didn't say anything she continued, slowing her words, allowing her to think each possible line before speaking them. "1000 years ago my family and I lived in Forks, a small town in the united states of America." I heard the others gasp, finally catching on to the story. I felt bad towards Emmett, now realizing he truly didn't know what I was talking about before. "Like always, we attended the local school, and tried to blend in within the humans. Carlisle and Esme worked and mixed with humans, and we were happy. Or well as happy as we were before that's first day of school at Forks high. Bella, you like the rest of us all understand when a vampire meets their singer, majority of us can't hold out. Well for vampires like us, that challenge has always been harder than for others. So when we walked into the school cafeteria that day, and Edward met his singer, you can only imagine the pain he was in" Alice too a few deep breaths.

I understood perfectly what it was like to run into your singer. When I was only years old, I had run into my own and just like most of our kind, I couldn't resist the temptation. I could sense that some of the Cullens were feeling either guilty for doing the same thing or remembering the pain they went through to resist. So Alice took a few minutes before yet again continuing. "Edward has always been a very guilty person. He feels very strongly about protecting humans, and still to this day beats himself up for some mistakes he has made in the past. So when he was confronted by the girl across the room eating her lunch, he had to ignore that sharp pain of hunger rising in his throat. He knew he couldn't make a scene. If he did, he would reveal to everyone our true identity, and we all know the punishment for that." Alice looked up and smiled at me.

I sent back a guilty grin, before nodding for her to continue. "So Edward being the moral person he is, sat through the rest of the day with his singer with in 100 meters from where ever he went. At one stage he had no choice but to take a biology class sitting only centimeters away from her. That was hell for him, so the minute that school day ended, Edwards fled. He ran and ran for days eating more moose and bears than I consume in three months. He tried everything to forget the girl. But he couldn't. She became the topic of all this thoughts and actions and in the end ; he had no choice but to return."

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