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"Seokie please take these papers to Mr. Myoung", Jimin heaved a sigh as he finished signing the last paper.

Hoseok snapped his head towards the young blonde male and smiled.

"Of course", Hoseok answered before he stood up and grabbed the stack of neatly organized papers.

Jimin was the Chief Financial Officer of a very important business man, he had to sacrifice hours of sleep and vacation days to be completely sure that all work was done, and done right. The company would deteriorate if one mistake was made in the papers.

It had been almost five months that he gave up free time in his space for his job, even years due to some difficulties.

His life wasn't perfect, but it was now stable.

"If he asks why I'm not taking them, tell him i don't feel good", Jimin sighed as he rest his chin on the palm of his left hand as his right hand scribbled on a sticky note.

"Jimin I know don't stress over all of this", Hoseok giggled before carefully walking off.

'I'm already stressed as it is Hyung', Jimin thought before setting his head on his desk.

Hoseok and he shared an office. It was big enough for two desks and computers so their boss didn't mind giving them the office.

Hoseok would be out most of the time since he was the Chief Operating Officer, so it was a miracle that he was in the office giving Jimin company.

He never understood how Hoseok was less stressed than himself. Maybe due to the fact he goes out, meeting other people and report all details to the Executive.

Unlike Hoseok, Jimin had to do lots of math and use his head to calculate such big numbers.
Whether it was the sales or the pay for all the employees, it took a lot of time for Jimin to have absolute right answers.

By just thinking of it Jimin felt a pounding sensation on his head.

"I'm back, he said if you're not feeling well you can take the day off, it is a weekend so we have the right to leave", Hoseok chimed.

Jimin sighed in relief after hearing such beautiful words come out of Hoseok's lips.

"But he wants us to be here at 8 am sharp on Monday, we're going to a meeting with the American company that has been requesting a collaboration", Hoseok added, his tone of voice full of disappointment.

Jimin felt tears welling up in his eyes but he inhaled and rubbed his eyes wiping the tears.

"F-Fine, let's go then", Jimin spoke before grabbing his belongings and walking to the door.

"Hey how's the thing with your friend going", Hoseok asked teasingly as both walked down the white empty halls.

"Oh, it's going fine he still hasn't been able to find a place to stay so we're splitting rent", Jimin explained.

"I've told you many times to just buy a house for yourself, you are well payed so why pay rent", Hoseok warned.

"I don't know, what if I die or whatever the house will just be there no one will take it unless it's a family member", Jimin shrugged.

"You're dumb", Hoseok teased.

"Aish shut it I'm not in the mood", Jimin hissed as he approached his black 2017 Lexus.

Hoseok just laughed at the younger before he unlocked his own car.

"See you on Monday Jiminie", Hoseok bid his farewell before getting into the car and driving out the parking lot.

"Just great", Jimin sighed exhausted before getting in the car and turning on the engine.

He drove out the parking lot and made his way to the hotel he lived in. It wasn't just a random hotel though. It was luxurious hotel, one of the most pricey out of all Seoul.

He parked his car and walked inside the building with his blazer in his arm as he checked his phone.

Roomie 🐢:
Jimin a package was delivered i guess it's yours
[Sent 11:30 am]
[Read 1:25 pm]

Oh alright I'll be there in a few minutes ^^

Jimin hurriedly walked inside the elevator and pressed on the last button which was the very top floor.

"It's here finally", Jimin sighed happily for his new package.

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