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"Min Holly has been a bad boy lately", Yoongi frowned at the dog as they walked into the big apartment.

Jimin giggled at Yoongi as he scolded the brown canine. They all settled on the sofa and bickering went on with the teal haired man.

"Now you won't eat from my plate anymore as a punishment", Yoongi finished as he pat the dog's head. Holly only licked his hand and proceeded to lick his cheek.
Laughter escaped the man's lips as Jimin enjoyed the sight.

"Jimin-ah you're getting ice cream all over your nice sweater", Yoongi warned as he took notice of the spot of strawberry ice cream on Jimin's baby blue sweater.

"Don't worry Yoongi-hyung I'll wash it later", Jimin giggled as he pet Holly with his free hand.

"Jimin! Don't touch Holly while you're eating", Yoongi instructed.

Jimin retracted his hand from the furry dog and finished his ice cream before standing up.
Yoongi smiled as he watched Jimin walk into the kitchen to wash his hands.

"Yoongi-hyung i can't reach the towel", Jimin called out as he reached for a towel that hung from a cabinet handle.

Yoongi stood up and walked to the kitchen once he heard Jimin's call of distress.
They were almost the same height but Yoongi was still taller than the young blonde so he easily caught the towel and handed it to the shorter male.

"Thank you hyung", Jimin smiled as he dried his hands.

"Aish Jimin you have ice cream all over you mouth and cheeks", Yoongi frowned softly at the mess Jimin was.

"Oh, help me please", Jimin asked as he handed the towel back to Yoongi since it was still wet.

Yoongi quickly got it and wiped Jimin's cheeks to get rid of the sticky ice cream.

"O-ow hyung too rough", Jimin whimpered as his eyes watered at how much pressure Yoongi put onto his cheeks.

"Oh shit sorry", Yoongi sighed as he stopped wiping to caress Jimin's cheeks.

"Hyung no cussing", Jimin frowned at Yoongi.

"Why it's just a tiny word", Yoongi chuckled.

"I don't like it", Jimin giggled nervously.

He was slowly drifting into little state and he had to cut it out.

"You're a good boy then? No cussing, no sinning?", the latter teased as he went back to cleaning Jimin's cheeks.

"What? Of course", Jimin smirked.

"Cute", Yoongi chuckled as he cleaned around Jimin's lips.

Jimin only stared at Yoongi as he cleaned his lips, how much wanted to kiss his pouty lips and his soft cheeks just like Taehyung did with Jungkook.

"All done!", Yoongi sighed in satisfaction as he moved back to set the towel near the sink.

"Thank you hyung", Jimin grinned before walking.

Yoongi sighed as he bit his lip.

The urge of crushing Jimin into a tight hug was unbearable, but they were just roommates, they bearly interacted unless one of them suggested to go out to hang out.

Maybe if he tried it, Jimin would accept at least a hug.

An ear piercing scream erupted throughout the apartment which made the teal haired male jump in his place.

He ran out the kitchen and down the hall to find the door to the game room opened.

"Jimin-ah what's wrong!?", Yoongi quaked as he saw Jimin on the floor staring at a corner in fear.

"Th-there's a roach over there!", Jimin stammered.

Yoongi sighed as he slipped off his shoe and approached the corner where the wretched insect was.

"H-Hyung it flies", Jimin spoke shakily.

Almost as if summoning the bug it flew out of its hideout causing Yoongi to jump back and throw his shoe at it.

"Run!", Jimin screamed as he ran out the room.

Yoongi laughed as he knocked down the bug and stepped on it.

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