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"He doesn't like being alone dumbass, a movie is an obvious lie", Taehyung hissed slapping Yoongi's shoulder.

"Aish sorry that i didn't notice", Yoongi snapped as he slapped Taehyung back.

"Yoongi-ah leave Taehyung alone", Jungkook warned.

"You shut oversized baby", Yoongi barked frowning.

"Do you want help or not?", Taehyung sighed, completely done with the elder's attitude.

"Yes i do", Yoongi groaned.

"Alright easiest thing to do is to just ask him out already", Jungkook smirked sitting next to his boyfriend.

Taehyung lightly slapped Jungkook's chest before chuckling.

"No don't do that, let him warm up to you, he's timid right?", Taehyung asked.

"Yeah and it sucks", Yoongi sighed upset.

"Then it's his job to be comfortable with you, you'll see when he is", Jungkook grinned genuinely.

"Yup, he's really easy to read", Taehyung nodded.

"Alright", Yoongi agreed.


"Y-Yoongi-hyung", Jimin whimpered in his sleep.

"Oh no, what is it Jiminie?", Hoseok asked as made his way to Jimin's desk where he slept.

"Y-Yoongi", Jimin sobbed before waking up.

Hoseok embraced the crying blonde before rubbing circles on his back. Jimin sucked on his pacifier as Hoseok kneeled in front of him with a concerned look.

"Bad dream?", Hoseok asked with a half smile.

"Y-Yes, i want go home", Jimin spoke, his vocabulary was broken so Hoseok knew he was going into little space.

"Then leave, I'll tell the boss you felt sick", Hoseok grinned.

"B-But Jimine won't finish work, i need to finish", Jimin whined as he glanced at his computer screen.

Hoseok hummed thinking of a way to help his friend out.

"How about you finish and leave at lunch time, how does that sound?", Hoseok suggested.

A knock interrupted their conversation and rapidly Jimin his things as Hoseok ran back to his desk in case it was their boss.

"Come in", Jimin spoke clearing his throat.

The front desk lady, Lisa, walked in with a bright smile.

"Someone came asking for you, Mr.Park", Lisa announced.

"Thanks", Jimin answered nodding before standing up from his seat.

Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows as he looked away from his phone, a devious smile plastered on his lips.

Jimin knew that smile.

He walked out of the office and followed Lisa to the elevator.
Lisa couldn't stop smiling, which was new to Jimin since she would always have a bored expression.

"Who is it?", Jimin asked curiously cocking his head to the side.

"He said he was a friend of yours, he's so adorable really", Lisa chuckled.

"Aish this suspense is killing me", Jimin laughed.

The elevator bell rang meaning it had come to a stop.

"Yoongi-hyung?", Jimin gasped as he walked out of the elevator.

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