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"Yoongi-hyung, I'm hungry", Jimin spoke softly as he walked inside the kitchen.

The sun peered through the crystal clear windows from the kitchen. It illuminated the elder's skin as he napped on the table. What Jimin noticed was the empty jar and a few crumbs on the table.

"Min Yoongi! You traitor!", Jimin boomed as he sped his pace towards the table and grabbed the jar.

Yoongi shot his head up at the sound of Jimin's voice. He rubbed his eyes as they slowly recovered from the blurriness.

"What?", Yoongi asked groggy, his voice much deeper than usual.

"You ate all my cookies", Jimin hissed as he shived the empty jar in front of Yoongi's face.

Yoongi's eyes widened as he saw the crime scene he had left. Jimin's eyes shot daggers at Yoongi.

"Sorry Jimin-ah, i was sleepy and i didn't know what i was doing", Yoongi lied as he looked directly into Jimin's eyes.

"Poor excuse, you owe me", Jimin huffed as he stomped his foot.

Yoongi smiled softly before reaching for Jimin's hair, but instead got his hand slapped away.

"Ow, Jiminie that hurt", Yoongi cooed.

"S-Sorry", Jimin panicked as he grabbed Yoongi's hand.

"I'm kidding", Yoongi joked as he broke into a fit of giggles.

Jimin frowned once again before letting go of Yoongi's hand.

"You're mean", Jimin spoke before sticking his tongue out.

"I'll take you out for breakfast then", Yoongi suggested.

Jimin faced his back towards Yoongi with his arms crossed.

"To Jin-hyung's place", Yoongi sang.

Jimin couldn't help but turn around at the suggestion and narrowed his eyes.

"Fine, you pay for the meal and we're good", Jimin sneered before walking off.

Yoongi chuckled and stood up to go fix himself.
Jimin on the other hand was pretty comfortable around Jin's restaurant so he didn't change out of pajamas and just slipped on his black nike sneakers before walking out.

"You're seriously going like that?", Yoongi questioned as he exit his room dressed in a nice white button up with black jeans and dress shoes.

"Yes, Jin-hyung said last time i could dress informal whenever I want", Jimin stated in a 'as the matter of fact' tone.

"Sheesh Jimin you don't have to be so rude", Yoongi spoke as he frowned at Jimin.

Jimin's heart clenched a slight bit when Yoongi would look at him with a frown.

"It's your fault for eating my cookies", Jimin retorted before he opened the door to walk out.


"Why is Jiminie upset?", Jin cooed as he ran a hand through the blonde's hair.

Yoongi watched as Jimin's small fit was being played out and was far from amused.

"Yoongi-hyung ate my cookies and i caught him red-handed", Jimin pouted as he looked up at the older black haired male with round glasses.

Jin turned to look at Yoongi and chuckled softly before looking down at Jimin who was sitting in a chair.

"So he's repaying with breakfast", Jin asked.

Yoongi nodded as he smiled at Jimin. On the contrary, Jimin only stuck out his tongue before he started eating his omelet.

"Well i gotta go, there's many other i have to attend", Jin sighed as he took his leave.

Yoongi swallowed the food he had in his mouth before looking at Jimin.

"So are you going to forgive me or are you going to keep being a brat?", Yoongi teased.

Jimin looked up from his plate with his eyes wide open.

"I'm not being a brat, I was treating you how a traitor has to be treated", Jimin grinned.

"So you forgive me then?", Yoongi asked with a smile.

"Yes, you already payed me breakfast so yup", Jimin grinned as he popped the P in the last word he said.

Yoongi only smiled at how cute the young man was in front of him. He couldn't understand how someone could be hot and cute at the same time, but he liked it.

"Jimin-ah do you want to go to the park? I'm bored", Yoongi suggested as he sat back on his chair.

"Yes hyung, we should take Holly with us", Jimin chimed as his eyes lit up with the mentioned dog.

"Alright we'll go back and fetch Min Holly", Yoongi nodded.

"Yes!", Jimin cheered as he finished his food.

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