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Jimin turned the doorknob to the penthouse and walked inside finding the box on the small table which only held a flower vase.

He cracked a smile as he grabbed it and walked down the hall which led to the living room.

"Hey hyung", Jimin sighed a greeting to the teal haired male sitting on the sofa.

The man turned his head towards the young blonde man and smiled softly.

"Hey, are you ok? You look like shit", Yoongi questioned concerned.

"Nope I'm not, I'm dead tired", Jimin answered monotonous as he slumped his shoulders.

"Ah.. How about something to eat? Did you eat?", Yoongi asked.

"Why are you asking questions all of a sudden?", Jimin interrogated suspiciously.

"I've noticed how tired you look, how you have no time for anything not even to eat properly", Yoongi answered.

Jimin smiled, his eyes turning into crescents which didn't fail to make Yoongi smile back as well.

"Lunch sounds great, where to?", Jimin grinned.

"Nope I'll make lunch", Yoongi smirked proudly.

"Fine, just don't burn down the building", Jimin teased before walking to his room.

He locked the door behind him before he giggled softly to himself as he sat on the floor. He started opening the box which revealed new stuffies, coloring books and a baby blue pacifier.

Once he left the office he promised himself he would spend at least a few minutes in his little space, to relieve some stress.

He placed the pacifier in his mouth and grabbed one of the new stuffies he had ordered.

A pastel pink unicorn with rainbow hair was the one that grabbed his eye. He squealed softly as he cuddled the pony and stood up with the box in his other hand.

He set it on the bed before heading to his closet to change his dark clothes to much brighter ones.

He slipped on a yellow oversized sweater and a pair of shorts which bearly showed due to the sweater.

He kept sucking on the pacifier and grabbed the pony once again before sitting on the bed. He then removed the pacifier from his mouth to speak.

"I think I'll name you Pixie because you're magical, but not as magical as Dixie over there", Jimin cooed as he pointed at a baby blue pony sitting on his pillows then placed the pacifier back in his mouth.

He grabbed it and played with the two stuffies before being interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Jimin food's ready", Yoongi's voice called out from the other side of the door.

Jimin quickly stuffed all his things into the box and hid it in his walk-in closet. He was about to open the door before he realized he still had his pacifier in between his lips, but he quickly threw it on his bed and unlocked the door.

He opened the door enough for him to slip out so Yoongi couldn't see the interior of his room. Yoongi looked at him with a soft smile before he opened his mouth to speak.

"I made Bibimbab i hope you like it", Yoongi explained before walking off.

Jimin pouted as Yoongi's back faced him and stomped his way to the dining room finding two bowls already set on the table.

He sat down and poked at the food with his chopsticks.

"Jimin-ah what are you doing?", Yoongi asked upset.

"O-Oh sorry it's just that i was thinking of something", Jimin lied as he looked at the bowl with disgust in his eyes.

"You're going to eat your vegetables, I see the way you're looking at my food", Yoongi instructed.

Jimin sighed before forceful shoving some food in his mouth.

The crunchy sensation of the carrots and mushrooms made him want to gag.

Making a tantrum wouldn't help, though. It would make him seem immature in front of Yoongi, which was the last thing Jimin wanted.

He wanted to spit it out so bad but he forcefully swallowed and faked a smile at Yoongi, who was watching the whole time.

"Good boy", Yoongi chimed before he started eating his own food.

Jimin liked how those affectionate phrases sounded. If only Yoongi would be his caregiver, it would be a blast.

"So is Hoseok giving you any trouble at work? I know he would be capable of distracting you", Yoongi spoke to break the silence.

"On the contrary, he's really helpful but when lunch break comes by I'm literally dead", Jimin joked.

"Yeah he's a serious person when he has to, but oh my goodness how he can be a pain", Yoongi chuckled.

"Do you like Hoseok-hyung?", Jimin asked tilting his head to the side.

Yoongi found it cute when Jimin would do such actions like tilting his head or pointing at things he wanted.

"Of course not, he's just a really good friend", Yoongi grinned.

"Oh ok", Jimin smiled before he continued eating.

"I heard Taehyung is dating Jungkook", Yoongi continued.

Jimin eyes glistened as he heard his best friend's name.

"Y-Yes they're so adorable, they're goals", he squealed as he jumped in his place.

"They've been dating for quite some time, it's nice", Yoongi giggled.

Jimin nodded before continuing, "I wish i had a nice relationship like them".

No one besides Jimin knew about how Taehyung's relationship actually was with Jungkook. No one knew that Taehyung was a little and he would call Jungkook daddy or that Jungkook was his caregiver and treated Taehyung like a baby.

Taehyung was living the life, that's what Jimin would always say.

"Aish Jimin don't say that, it will happen", Yoongi sneered.

Jimin rolled his eyes at Yoongi's comment.

"Anyway, finish up i want you to eat everything", Yoongi spoke.

Jimin sighed as he reluctantly stuffed his mouth with the vegetables and part of the Sunnyside egg.

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