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"Yoongi-ah, McDonald's?", Jimin giggled.

"Namjoon said you liked it", Yoongi blurted out before bringing a hand to his mouth.

His ear tips turned pink as Jimin only laughed at Yoongi's foolishness.

"I don't like it, I love it", Jimin grinned before pulling Yoongi inside the building.

He hadn't been to McDonald's in months, all thanks to his stupid self consciousness.
A diet that only consisted of salads and a small portion of meat, until Yoongi came along.

'McDonald's wouldn't hurt, right?', Jimin thought as he stood in line with Yoongi beside him.

When it was their turn Jimin ordered a happy meal and a sundae, while Yoongi ordered a double quarter pound burger.
They sat in a booth and waited for their food to be ready.

"Happy meal huh?", Yoongi smirked.

"What? I like it, so shush", Jimin teased.

Yoongi felt Jimin was warming up to him the slightest bit, he wouldn't joke around a lot.

"I mean I've never seen anyone order one, except kids", Yoongi chuckled.

Jimin smiled and blushed. This was the quality he always wanted to have with Yoongi, he couldn't mess this up.

"Well now you know someone who still orders kids meals, with strawberry milk", Jimin murmured the last part.

"Aish you're so adorable Jimin-ah", Yoongi cooed pinching Jimin's right cheeks lightly.

The sound of a bell went off and Yoongi stood up as he heard their number being called.

"I'll be back Jiminie", Yoongi grinned before walking off.

Jimin didn't feel this happy in a while, and he loved it.

Maybe it was time, to tell Yoongi.

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