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"That is how the sales are so far and how the company's income is stable as usual", Jimin concluded his speech as he stood by the small board which had charts on them.

His boss smiled proudly as the other business men looked at Jimin amazed. He wasn't just good looking but smart too.

"Well then i guess we have a deal", the translator spoke after the other man next to him finished speaking.

"It's set then we will be waiting for your production in a few months", Jimin's boss spoke with a smile.

Everyone stood up and bowed or shook hands.
Little by little the meeting room was empty only Hoseok and himself were left behind.

"That was a great speech Jimin-ah i don't understand why you're not the chief executive", Hoseok congratulated.

"Aish you're exaggerating", Jimin giggled as he gathered his things and walked out along with Hoseok.

"So have you told Yoongi yet", Hoseok asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"What?", Jimin asked confused.

"That you're a little", Hoseok winked.

"Aish Hoseok of course not, you better not tell him", Jimin hissed.

"Don't worry I won't, but maybe he will accept it if you tell him", Hoseok stated.

"I'm fine", Jimin sighed.

They walked towards the elevator and hopped inside.

"Yoongi talks about you when he hangs out with Joon and I", Hoseok smirked.

"R-really?", Jimin stuttered, surprised at Hoseok's remark.

"Yeah he says you're adorable and that he wants to pinch your cheeks but he'd look like an idiot", Hoseok laughed.

"That's not true, stop lying", Jimin whined as he slapped Hoseok's arm.

"It's very true, i even record the moment", Hoseok chuckled.

"Seriously?", Jimin asked confused.

"Nope, but he did say that", Hoseok grinned.

Jimin felt heat rise up to his cheeks nd looked around the building before they got to the parking lot.

"You should give it a try you know, if he doesn't agree he'll just be quiet but afterwards it's all the same", Hoseok added.

"That's why i won't tell him, i don't want the place to be awkward", Jimin pouted.

"Aish don't worry Jimin he'll be alright with it, besides he cooks for you right?", Hoseok asked.

"Yeah", Jimin nodded.

"He's lowkey you're caregiver now, are you that blind?", Hoseok laughed.

"Shut it, i don't want it lowkey though you- you weirdo", Jimin frowned.

"Then tell him", Hoseok snapped as he messed Jimin's hair.

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