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"Jiminie, what are you doing?", Yoongi slurred as he walked to the kitchen.

It was midnight, the clattering of pots and pans filled the apartment waking the older man.

Jimin didn't listen to Yoongi's question and kept looking for his dear cookies.

"Jimin-ah!", Yoongi whined as he wrapped an arm around Jimin's waist to get him off the counter.

Jimin whimpered and whined, wiggling out of Yoongi's grip.

Yoongi frowned confused at the blonde and gripped onto his wrist.

"Jiminie?", Yoongi asked pulling Jimin closer.

Jimin sighed as he crashed into Yoongi's chest, lightly snoring.

Yoongi was beyond confused

Was he awake or sleeping, or both?

"I wanth mmkies", Jimin murmured into Yoongi's shirt.

"What was that Jimin?", Yoongi asked.

Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's abdomen and nuzzled into his chest.
Yoongi sighed before waddling out of the kitchen with Jimin attached to him and stepping on Yoongi's shoes so he wouldn't ruin his pastel yellow and pink striped socks.

"Jiminie wake up or I'll fall on top of you", Yoongi warned with smile.

Jimin shook his head and held onto Yoongi tighter.
Yoongi pouted and carried Jimin, an arm under his legs and the other behind his back.
Jimin moaned softly in delight as he nuzzled once again into Yoongi's shirt.

"Let's get you to sleep", Yoongi sighed before walking to the couch lazy to walk to his room.


Hoseok approached the door and entered the password that he knew very well.
As he walked in he let go of Mickey and the dog let loose, jumping onto the huge hill on the sofa near the fireplace.

"Jimin-ah!", Hoseok called as a smile appeared on his lips.

The hill on the sofa moved and Mickey jumped off it, barking alarming Hoseok.

Hoseok carried the small dog and pulled off the blanket, his eyes wide in amazement.

"Good morning sleepyheads", Hoseok sang.

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