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Jimin stumbled behind Yoongi as the elder led him back to the apartment holding his hand.

He stumbled not because of alcohol intake, but because it was way past his usual bedtime.
Jimin was tired, mostly due to all the dancing and running around with Taehyung in the backyard.

"Yoongi-ah I'm tired", Jimin whined as he saw Yoongi unlock the door.

"Don't worry Jiminie we're here", Yoongi grinned as he still held the younger male's hand.

Yoongi's voice was as soft as the ocean breeze to Jimin, he could listen to him talk all day and would never get tired of it.

"Taehyungie wanted me to stay at his house", Jimin yawned as he walked behind Yoongi.

"Oh really? Why didn't you stay then?", Yoongi chuckled.

"Because you'd be alone", Jimin giggled.

"That's very considerate of you, but i would be fine", Yoongi cracked a smile.

Jimin noticed he and Yoongi were standing in front of his room. He knew that because his door was the color of sky blue.

"A-ah I'll be good from here Hyung", Jimin quaked as he stood in front of the door his hand on the doorknob.

"Alright, goodnight", Yoongi nodded before walking down the hall to his own room.

Jimin sighed as he walked inside and locked the door behind him.
He threw himself on the bed as he slipped off his shoes before removing his jeans and buttoned shirt.

A sigh of relief escaped the blonde's plump lips as he closed his tired drowsy eyes.


Yoongi layed in bed, awake after tossing and turning in his king sized bed.
He couldn't sleep, all thanks to the small blonde who slept three doors down the hall.

The urge of squeezing him into a tight hug was too much to handle, kissing those perfect pink lips, everything about the young male was perfect to Yoongi's eyes.

A sigh of frustration left the man's lips before he got out of bed, slipping on a shirt as he walked out of the room. His footsteps echoed through the hall as he walked down them, making his way to the kitchen.

As he entered the kitchen he saw a certain blonde climbing onto the counter reaching for one of the cabinets.

"Jimin-ah it's three in the morning", Yoongi sighed as he walked towards the younger man.

"I'm hungry", Jimin whined drowsiness washed all over him.

Yoongi rolled his eyes as a sly smile plastered on his lips. He reached to the cabinet to find a jar of cookies and other sweets.

"Jiminie this isn't good for you, less at this time of the night", Yoongi explained.

"B-but it's just a snack", Jimin pouted looking down at his feet.

"Nope, what do you want? I'll do it for you", Yoongi added as he put the jar back in its place.

Jimin's yawn was heard throughout the kitchen and his footsteps followed.

Yoongi turned around to find the blonde gone, he shook his head before he grabbed a cookie for himself.

"You're a liar, how come you eat cookies?", Jimin huffed as he walked back to the kitchen with his phone in hand.

"I'm starving, i didn't eat at Jungkook and Taehyung's", Yoongi shrugged as he kept munching on the cookie.

He stuck out his hand with half of the cookie in hand.

Jimin took the cookie and rapidly munched on it. Yoongi smiled softly before ruffling Jimin's blonde hair.

"Better?", Yoongi asked.

"Mhm", Jimin hummed before he walked off once again.

Yoongi followed behind Jimin to check he was going to his room.

Once the young male closed the door, Yoongi hurried back to the kitchen to eat more cookies.

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