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"Daddy isn't mad Jiminie", Yoongi whispered as his voice was cracking the slightest bit.

It was a horrifying sight.

"Y-Yes you are", Jimin sobbed, "Don't lie to me!".

"Baby I'm just upset, you're beautiful why would you do this?", Yoongi quaked.

"B-Because you don't love me anymore", Jimin wailed, aggressively scratching his arm.

Yoongi noticed how his skin became irritated and grabbed his hands kissing the palms.
Jimin wouldn't stop sobbing and tears never seemed to stop running down his cheeks.
Yoongi dried the blonde's tears with his thumbs before kissing the back of his hands.

"Baby why would you think that? I love you with all my heart and soul", Yoongi stammered.

"Y-you hang out with that girl more than me, you probably like her", Jimin bawled.

"Suran? Of course not! I love you and only you, you're my Jimin, my baby", Yoongi chuckled trying to brighten up the young man.

"R-Really?", Jimin sniffed as his eyes were tired of crying and were now puffy.

"Yes really, Jiminie i would never leave ypu for anyone else, I love you and i promised you that I would always be here", Yoongi reassured.

Jimin's bottom lips quivered before he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck. Yoongi wrapped his arms around the younger's body and pulled him close, kissing his neck softly.

"I'm sorry Daddy", Jimin whispered.

"It's ok, I'm sorry too", Yoongi sighed.

"I missed you", Jimin added as he ran his fingers through the back of Yoongi's hair.

"I missed you even more", Yoongi grinned.

Jimin let go and sat back looking down at his lap.

"Let's get you cleaned up ok? After that we can have grilled cheese sandwiches and watches movies, how's that?", Yoongi suggested caressing Jimin damp cheeks.

Jimin nodded with a smile, leaning into Yoongi's touch.

Yoongi slipped Jimin's shirt over his head and threw it to the dirty laundry basket before slipping off the younger's boxers.

"Jimin i heard the company is in danger", Yoongi stated.

Jimin sighed.

"If things don't work out you can come work with me", Yoongi grinned.

"Really?", Jimin gasped surprised.

"Yes, we're in need for a choreographer or two", Yoongi smiled.

"Great", Jimin beamed sliding into the bathtub.

The water was pink due to the bath bomb he had thrown in.

"That way we'll be closer, and this won't happen again", Yoongi chimed.

"It sounds great Daddy, thank you", Jimin thanked as he got on his knees to kiss Yoongi's lips who kneeled beside the bathtub.

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