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"Thank you Yoongi", Jimin smiled as he smelled the bouquet of yellow flowers.

"No problem, Jiminie", Yoongi smiled wrapping an arm around Jimin's shoulders.

"Ah you guys are adorable", Lisa squealed of happiness.

"I know right?!", Jisoo chirped looking up from the front desk.

"May I take a picture of you, please Jimin-ah?", Jennie pleaded.

"Why?", Jimin laughed at his friends.

"Because I've never seen such a cute couple", Jennie grinned.

"W-We're not a couple though", Jimin giggled.

Yoongi chuckled at Jimin's red ear tips and looked at the girls on front of them.

"Go ahead", Yoongi smiled.

The girls fangirled ecstatic and Jennie snapped the picture running in front of the two men to show them.

"Aigoo i look nasty", Jimin muttered

"Nonsense Jimin-ah, you look handsome", Lisa chimed as she stood next to Jennie.

Jisoo walked out of the front desk and ran as fast as she could in her black two inch heels.
She screamed in happiness startling the men.

"Jiminie you look perfect", Yoongi chuckled running a hand through Jimin's blonde hair.

"You even have nicknames, I can't believe you're not dating", Lisa pouted.

Suddenly the elevator bell chimed and the girls rapidly ran back to their desks.

Jimin's boss, Mr.Myoung, stepped out with Hoseok beside him. A bright smile spread across the red head's lips.

"Mr.Park i was just looking for you", Mr.Myoung chimed.

"Sorry sir I'll get back to the office", Jimin quaked bowing swiftly.

"Oh stop it Mr.Park, I was going to say that I will be off on a family trip so you all are have the following week off", Mr.Myoung laughed.

Jimin's eyes sparkled at the good news and smiled.

"That's great!", Jimin chimed.

Yoongi smiled at how happy Jimin looked.

Did he ever mention that seeing Jimin happy was his happiness?

"I'll be off now i have to get things done", Mr.Myoung announced before walking out of the main doors.

After he left everyone let loose.

Papers flew everywhere, happy screams echoed the room, and the sound of heels contacting the shiny marble floor.

"Jiminie, should we go get lunch", Yoongi whispered in Jimin's ear.

Jimin's cheeks felt hot before nodding.

The girls noticed and awed at the sight, while Hoseok swung an arm around Yoongi's shoulders.

"Take me with you!", Hoseok belted embracing the couple.

"Ah Hoseok you can come eat with us, we're going to pick up Roseanne at home before we go", Lisa warned.

"Hmm.. Fine tell me what place and I'll meet you there", Hoseok grinned.

Yoongi pulled on Jimin's hand light, so he couldn't hurt him.

"Let's go", Yoongi whispered loud enough for Jimin to hear.

The younger man nodded and followed Yoongi.

"Where are we going for lunch?", Jimin asked tilting his head.

"Your favorite place", Yoongi smiled.

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