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"Baby wake up", Yoongi whispered into Jimin's ear.

The warmth of Yoongi's body against Jimin's was too comfortable, who would wake up from such warm embrace?

"No Daddy mm goof", Jimin mumbled as he cuddled up more onto Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi chuckled hugging Jimin tighter.
He was happy with Jimin before, but knowing he was a little made him even happier.

The talk last night really made a good difference, Jimin wouldn't be so distant and now they were officially dating, not to exclude the fact Yoongi had agreed to be his caregiver as well.

"Come on Minie~ Daddy's hungry, you don't want Daddy to eat your cookies right?", Yoongi joked.

"No", Jimin answered looking up at Yoongi with a pout.

"There's my sleeping princess", Yoongi grinned pecking Jimin's forehead.

"Daddy, I'm hungry too", Jimin chirped.

"Then let's get cleaned up and dressed", Yoongi instructed before getting off Jimin's bed.

"Daddy, dwess me please", Jimin spoke in his little voice.

'Right, Little Jimin', Yoongi thought as he smiled turning to look at Jimin.

"Sure baby, sorry that daddy forgot, Daddy's new to this", Yoongi apologized sheepishly.

"It's ok daddy", Jimin giggled swinging his feet over the edge of the bed.

Yoongi walked to Jimin's closet and walked inside to find the perfect clothes for his princess.

"It's cold outside so let get you something warm, hm Minie?", Yoongi questioned.

"Alright Daddy", Jimin grinned as he watched his feet as he swung then back and forth.

Yoongi shrugged deciding to grab a baby blue turtleneck, skinny jeans and a light gray almost white trench coat.
As he walked out he found Jimin playing with his stuffies and chuckled which grabbed the blonde's attention.

"Jiminie let's get you dressed", Yoongi smiled as he stood in front of the young man.

Jimin nodded happily and raised his arms up obediently. The teal haired male smiled proudly as he slipped off Jimin's shirt.

"What a smart baby i have, good job", Yoongi praised giving Jimin a pack on the right cheek.

Giggling slipped from the blonde's plump lips, his eyes turned into crescent as he smiled up at Yoongi.

His heart fluttered every time Jimin smiled.

"I'm happy to have you as my baby boy, Jimin-ah", Yoongi stated as he slipped the turtleneck onto Jimin, "Don't ever think that I don't like you or i pity you, because it's not true".

Jimin listened and his heart beat rapidly increased at such soft and caring words.

"I'll always be here when you meed me, so no more secrets ok?", Yoongi asked.

"Ok", Jimin nodded as he felt the cold air come in contact with his legs.

"Great", Yoongi grinned.

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