Ch. 13 The beginning of an sinster plan

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Meanwhile at Tcri,

doctor Kobayashi Norio groans in frustration. He was this close of cracking  the secrets of the acid he possces in the lab but kept failing everytime the mutangen turns red. The Doctor pounds his fits against the table.

"God Dann it !" Norio shouts in anger.

"Seems like your having trouble father" a feminine voice within the shadows said.

Norio quickly gets out of his seat. His eyes widen at the two girls now standing in front of him.

"Iku, Mayu !" Norio gasps.

"Oh don't be so supurise father" Mayu smirks.

"What do you want, daughters ?" Norio growls.

"Aww do I sense restenemt in your voice" Iku mocks. Mayu gives her sister a glare to shut her up.

"We need you help with baiting out our 'rouge' sister Mayu explains.

"Forget it I hurt my daughter once I won't hurt her again !" Norio snares.

"Have it your way !" Laughs Iku.

Norio notices her hands glowing a dark purple. Thinking quickly he grabs a metal tray and flings it at Iku, catching the witch off blance. Norio runs away getting to the exit. As he opens up the door he feels something cold against his head.

"Take another step and I'll kill you where you stand" Tigerclaw growls.

Norio raises his hands in surrnder, knowing he didn't have a choice.

"Start walking" Tigerclaw orders as he leads the doctor outside to a car.


The next morning, police officers where at Tcri investigating the kidnapping of Doctor Norio. A 14 year old Japanese boy with dark combined hair and orangeish eyes arrives on the scene. Susan, Doctor Norio's assistance comforts him.

"Susan what has happened to Father ?" The boy asks her.

"Your father's been kidnapped" Susan explains.

"By who ?" The boy asks.

"I don't know but police will find him" Susan reinsures him.

"I hope so" The boy whispers. He then notices something on the ground. It was dark purple dust. The boy takes a closer look and examines the dust. His eyes suddenly widen.

"Mayu !" The boy gasps.

Note- here's the next chapter. I hope you guys like it. Next Chapter Mikey spies on Shredder and discovers Shredder is after Shinigami.

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