Ch.19 A talk between brothers

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(A few minutes before Mikey leaves the lair. This takes place while Master Splinter talks with Raph)

As Mikey closes the lab doors, the youngest turtle breaks down crying. He sobs quitly.

"Why did Shinigami do it ?"

"Was she using me ?"

"Did she even like me ?"

"Where even friends to begin with ?"

"Why does Raph have to be so harsh ?"

"Am I even worth it as a ninja ?"

Many thoughts raced though Mikey's head as he sobs. His eyes look at Leo who was sleeping. Guilt filled into Mikey's chest. It was his fault that Leo got hurt in the first place.

Mikey approaches the cot Leo slept on.

"I'm sorry, Leo" Mikey whispers as tears fall from his cheeks.

Mikey chocks out a few sobs, closing his eyes. Mikey suddenly feels a comforting hand on his hand. Opening up his eyes,Mikey sees Leo holding his hand. Leo smiles softly.

"Hey little brother" Leo whispers.

"Leo !" "Your alright !" Mikey sobs.

"I'm just glad your alright" Leo smiles softly before wincing.

"I'm so sorry, I caused this... I...I" Mikey begins to sob more.

Leo carefully sits up and gently hugs Mikey. Mikey hugs Leo back.

"You don't need to applogize, it wasn't your fault" Leo whispers.

"Yes... it was" Mikey crys.

"No it wasn't you where trying to protect me" Leo said.

"And I failed" Mikey whispers.

"Mikey, no matter what Raph says, your the most valuable member of the team" Leo said.

Mikey smiles sadly.

"I just need to prove it" Mikey whispers.

"You don't have to prove anything, Mikey" Leo said.

"Yes I do" Mikey whispers. Leo trys to protest but cringes in pain.

Mikey carefully lays Leo back down.

"Just rest, big bro" Mikey whispers.

Leo begins to feel tried as he falls back aspleep.

Mikey was going to stop Shredder's evil plan, but first he to find Shinigami. Mikey grabs a tracking device and heads top side to Find Shinigami.

Note- I love the talk between Leo and Mikey. Next Chapter Mikey is going to Comfort Shinigami.

A turtle's self doubt (Mikey×Shinigami story) Where stories live. Discover now