Ch. 17 the ancient healing scrolls

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"Master Splinter !" Mikey shouts as he and Raphael rush into the lair with Shinigami in Mikey's arms.

Master Splinter emerges from the dojo.

"Raphael ?" "Michelangelo ?" "What has happened ?" Splinter asks before looking at an Shinigami who was uncouise.

"Who is that ?" Splinter asks.

"She's my friend" "Please Master Slpinter help her she's been stabbed" Mikey begs.

Splinter looks at Shinigami's bleeding arm. "Quickly bring her to the dojo" Splinter said.

Mikey nods bringing Shinigami into the dojo and places her gentley on a mat.

"Is she gonna be ?" Mikey asks Splinter as he brings out a scroll.

"Yes, my son this will heal her" Splinter said as he kneels in beside her.

"What is it ?" Mikey asks.

"The healing scrolls" Master Splinter replies.

Taking a deep breath, Splinter speakes the accient words.

Rin, toe, tatsu, Rin, Splinter chats as Shinigami's arm slowly heals.

As the healing takes place an memory takes place.


Shini jumps down from the roof top, landing on all fours like a cat. The young girl smiles with exitment. She hasn't felt this alive.

"No doubt you learned that from your new friend" Said an old women who emgers from the shadows.

"Your that old lady who saved me from those thugs" Shini said. The old lady smiled. I'm your grandmother, My child" The old women said in a soft tone.

"Your Grandmother Regina" Shini smiles. "Mother spoke of you many times" Shini said before frowning sadly. "That's before she..."

Shini whipes tears from her eyes. Regina comforts the little girl.

"You have to remember she's in a better place, my child" Regina whispers.

"Is it true you have powers like she had ?" Shini asks. Regina kneels to the girls height and holds her hands.

"Yes I do but you also have powers as well. And I can help you control theses new powers" Regina smiles happily.

"Really ?" Shini asks exitedly.

"Ineed my little Luna" Regina smiles.

"That's not my name anymore" Shini states firmly.

"That's what your mother named you" Regina said with a sad look.

"Luna is a name that's weak and vunarable" Shini said with anger hinting in her voice.

"Then what is your name then" Regina asks.


Shini looked at her Grandmother's witch hat. It reminded her of the goddess of death, The Shinigami. It was something many people feared. No one would ever hurt a goddess or even the goddess of death for that matter. She knew what her new name should be.

"Shinigami, My name is Shinigami" The girl annouces.

Her grandmother smiles.

"Then you have a lot to learn Shinigami" Regina said as she grabs Shinigami's hand and they walked into the shadows.

End of flashback


Once Shinigami woke up she found her self in the living room. She smirks.

"Time to get what I need and get out here" Shinigami thought.

Suddenly she felt her commicator buzz. She takes it out and answers it.

"Hello" Shinigami said.

"Shinigami !" It was a male voice.

"Kushi ? "Is everything alright brother" Shinigami asks concerned.

"No father's been kidnapped by Mayu" Kushi said.

Shinigami gasps. "Why would she do such a thing ?" Shinigami snares.

"She has some kind of end game" Kushi said.

"Do not fret, brother I'll have something that will put end to whatever she has planned" Shinigami vowed.

"And I'll figure out a way to rescue father" Kushi said.

"I'll see you then" Shinigami whispers as she hangs up the phone.

A black cat approaches Shinigami. The ninja witch smiles and hugs the black cat. She whispers something in its ear and the cat obeys, heading into the dojo. Shinigami smirks knowing the cat will complete her object. She goes into the exit and disappeares.

Note- now we learned Shinigami's really name and how she got the name Shinigami. Next Chapter Raph blames Mikey for letting Shinigami in the lair after she took the ancient healing scrolls. God ! Don't you HATE Raph in this story ! Because I know I do !

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